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Jimin waited with you while your car arrived, and every time your eyes met you wanted to take it all back. You wanted to make yourself be alright with the situation but you couldn't.

"You know I love you?" You brushed his hair away from his forehead with two fingers.

You were leaning against the door again, Jimin standing close. You stroked those fingers down his cheeks and across his jawline. Jimin was beautiful even with eyes full of anguish, that you'd put there.

"I think the problem is you doubt how much I love you, Angel." He leaned into you his body hard lines and warmth against your own.

"I'm not going to run away this time, I just can't see myself in this dynamic. Please don't be mad." You wrapped your arms around his shoulders. Your resolve was shrinking and you bit your bottom lip harshly.

"It's my fault, I'll fix my mess."

Jimin's lips met your earlobe and you shivered. You'd thought you'd end up in his bed tonight. You turned your head and caught his lips, warmth spreading through your belly. He kissed you gently, fingers tangling in the hair behind your ears. You could get lost in his lips, forget all the mess he was talking about if you held on to him just a little tighter.

You'd text Aiyun you were taking a car home, she insisted on coming with you but you demanded she stay. When else would she have the chance at being so close to her bias again? She reluctantly agreed and Jimin promised that Jin would keep an eye on the situation, make sure she was safe.

"Don't take too long Jagi." You kissed the side of his head pulling back before you couldn't stop yourself just as your phone chimed, the car had arrived.

"I'll walk you out." He eased you out the door, the elevator arrived faster than you wanted.

In the garage he opened the car door and when you went to get in his hand stayed on your wrist. He looked wretched, but you didn't know how to change things.

"Don't go." Jimin said it so softly you almost couldn't hear it over the idling engine of the car.

"Jimin-," the words failed to complete, you didn't know what to say.

He dropped your wrist and you leaned into the car but at the last moment turned and grabbed his arm tugging him forward.

"Come with me." You pulled him until he was against your body.

"What? I can't just leave her upstairs." His fingers cupped your cheek his lips close to yours.

"Yes you can, she's not a child. She's a whole fucking adult. Text her to get a car and go home. Text Yoongi to make sure she gets in it." You got in the car and then Jimin stood in the opening of the door looking down at you.

"I'll call you soon." His eyes were so pitiful, that you felt immediately angry. Jimin stepped back onto the curb away from the car.

"Why won't you choose me?"

"It's not about that."

"Yes it is! You didn't choose Jjille either, and I'm not apologizing for saying that! You have the chance to put me first and just walk away from the dynamic."

"Angel, it-," Jimin tried to calm you but you wouldn't be appeased.

"It's exactly that simple. 'Saeron this isn't working out, it's over.' That fucking simple." You pulled the car door shut, Jimin's face was devastating to look at.

"Take me home please." You instructed the driver before you could cry.


"Mingi said you could come back to his apartment." Jimin sat down at the breakfast table, sliding a bowl of cold vegetables toward Saeron.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now