Thirty Three

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"Are you sure he's going straight home?" You balanced your phone in one hand with your coffee cup, the other arm holding a huge stack of thick file folders that tilted precariously.

"Yes we landed and came to Hybe for a debrief, we're leaving in forty minutes." Kookie was whispering into the phone you could barely hear him.

"Will you make sure you're in the same car? Text me if he doesn't? Or fuck, text me if he says someone is meeting him there? Will Sae be there?" Your anxiety was all over the place.

It had been a very long two weeks, all you wanted was for Jimin to come home so you could see him. You weren't quite sure Sujin was right that you'd know what to say. You reminded yourself that this wasn't an effort to get him back, only to repair the damage between you. You could be exes and not angry with each other.

"Bunny, he's going home. Sae is staying with Hoshi. He'll be there in about an hour. You're overthinking this, he wants to see you as much as you want to see him." There was some sass to his whispers, but you were very focused on what he said last.

"You told him I'm coming?" Your voice cracked, Jimin wasn't supposed to know! What if he refused to answer the door?

"No, calm down. I'm saying as one of his best friends, I know he wants to see you. I really have to go. Text me later." Kookie hung up just as you splashed coffee down your pants.

You just stood there, the fragrant liquid puddling on the floor. You wanted to cry, were you even making the right choice? He'd dumped you, said he couldn't be with you. It had been two months since you'd seen him, he hadn't so much as returned your text message.

You set the stack of files on the floor out of the way and turned back to your desk to grab some tissues. Tears came to your eyes as you sopped the mess up, now you'd have to go home and change clothes. He'd probably be asleep by the time you got to his apartment, that's what you'd want to do after a long flight.

"Don't cry over spilled coffee." Your uncle looked down at you with a grimace, you'd been so caught up in your own thoughts you'd not heard him come in.

"I think the expression is spilled milk." You finished the task and stood tossing the tissues into the trash, grabbing one more for your face.

"Do you have the catering contracts and the DJ song list?" He was all business again and you scrambled to collect the folders from the floor, pulling out the two he requested.

"You know you don't have to attend the party." He said it casually, flipping through a stapled section of papers he'd plucked from a stack.

"Of course I do, there will be a million details that night and I can't handle them from home." You rolled your eyes, if this was his way of being nice it wasn't working.

"Good glad to hear you agree, now find a date, if they're from BTS even better." He dropped the folders back on your stack and turned to leave.

"Really?" Your cheeks burned with building outrage but when he turned his smile was soft.

"You're not crying anymore." He winked and left as quietly as he'd entered.

Your uncle's pep talk had actually worked, as weird as it was he'd gotten you thinking about the party again. When you calmed down you realized he was joking about the BTS date, you'd already decided you were taking Aiyun anyway. You'd wrapped up a few final items on your list and hurried out of the office on time for once.

Over two hours later you were riding the elevator up to Jimin's apartment, the traffic home to change clothes had been awful. If that hadn't been enough you'd arrived just as Aiyun had gotten into an argument with Chan hanging up on him.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now