Fifty Nine

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"Gone" By Blake Rose







"Praying it'll bring you back to me"

"I can feel you slipping away just promise that you'll wait right here for me"

"I'm done carrying the weight of the world, so heavy on my shoulders I just wanna feel this love"







The urge finally overcame you and you crawled onto the bed, pressing your cheek into the curve of his neck, the scratchy hospital gown between you. He was warm and comforting, you were careful to not catch or tug his wires or tubes. Jimin patted your back softly, the feeling was odd his posture too stiff. It was as if he wasn't prepared for such blatant affection, but you guessed he must be exhausted and disoriented.

You sat up as he frowned a confused look crossing his pale features. You stood from the bed backing away gently, you needed that nurse to come back, to assure you he was alright, he looked worried.

Everything inside you suddenly wondered you were still sleeping and in a matter of moments you'd wake from the dream to find him unconscious once more. It made you shiver with the unsettled feeling the floor was slightly tilted below your feet.

"Jji, where's Tae?" His tiny scratchy voice came again as he licked his dry bottom lip, the way he turned his head looking around made the floor drop away.

You weren't sure you'd heard him correctly and then realized you were lying to yourself. He'd clearly called you her name, he'd asked for Tae. His eyes were wide and looking past you and your heart sank.

"I'll get him, don't worry. Just rest Jiminie." His eyes fluttered closed at your reassurance.

You bit your lip, the small bite of pain making you focused as you backed out of the room. You walked down the hall each step feeling heavy.

This wasn't his fault, this wasn't his fault, this wasn't Jimin's fault. You said it, a mantra running through your head, but your stomach twisted and you felt everything breaking around you.

Everyone's eyes turned in your direction as you opened the private waiting room door, the guys, Sujin, his parents. You opened your mouth to speak, your throat so tight no words escaped on the first try. You had to force the sounds out, not wanting to panic anyone into thinking the worst.

"Jimin's awake and he's asked for Tae." You felt all the air leave your lungs, you felt sick, your fingers grabbing the edge of a chair. They were slick with sweat and slid several inches across the wooden armrest, your face flushed you lowered into the chair.

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