Twenty Four

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The rest of dinner ended up being relaxed, discussing music and their upcoming summer tour, you found yourself at ease with them both. You noticed how attentive Chan was to Aiyun, putting bites of food on her plate and nudging her during conversation.

His body language wasn't saying hook up, maybe friends with benefits but definitely not someone who was going to sneak out of her bed in the middle of the night. Chan seemed more like the type to bring her flowers and text her back immediately.

Felix's body language toward you was another story, he seemed intrigued but at the same time hesitant to touch you. You could feel the way he looked at you, and you were starting to worry he felt your association with Jimin was a dealbreaker. You didn't believe his ploy that he didn't know you'd been in the scene with him.

"I think we should play a game." Chan grinned and started refilling everyone's glasses of wine, the red liquid easing upward.

You swallowed back a wave of panic, until this point you'd only allowed Aiyun to pour your drinks. She smoothly took the bottle from him before he reached yours and topped it up herself. You took a breath and nodded to her, things were fine, even if he poured it the wine belonged to your best friend. Your heart slowed down and you focused again. You reminded yourself you'd never questioned the glass Jin had given you at his party at all.

"A drinking game?" Aiyun raised a brow taking the attention to give you a moment to ease the tension you'd felt.

"We can start there, maybe something a little spicier than that?"

He looked at everyone, you could tell Felix was going to say yes. You met Aiyun's eyes and they were practically begging you to not ruin the moment.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?" You'd played lots of games with BTS but you weren't sure Aiyun was ready for them. You also weren't sure if you wanted to play with anyone else like that again.

"We'll take turns asking questions, and if you won't answer you can drink." Chan explained his tongue dragging along his bottom lip.

"That's all? Y/N had an entire interrogation scene, I don't think this will be very exciting for her." Aiyun spoke up and you wanted to melt into the floor.

"A legit BDSM interrogation? Geez Y/N you're tough, those can be brutal." Felix was looking at you closer now, his eyes sparkling with trouble.

"Yes but Aiyun's never done anything of the sort so we shouldn't go crazy." You sipped your drink and glared at her.

"Then how about if you won't answer the question your partner gets to kiss you, different places each time?" Felix's voice eased out the suggestion and suddenly you were thinking of those full lips on your body.

"Hmm, that's a good idea except what's stopping me from refusing to answer the question just to get more kisses?" You leaned forward letting your fingertip trace the base of your wine glass stem suggestively. You were pleased when Felix blushed.

"Okay, then if you answer the question you get a kiss, if you refuse you drink and get a slap?" Chan was looking at you, but you turned your eyes to Aiyun.

"It's up to you, you've never been hit before so maybe you don't want that."

You said the words calmly but remembered how worried you'd been when Jimin had suggested using his belt on you. Your heart immediately thundered in your chest at that memory, you'd been so disappointed when he'd not fucked you after, because each hit had made you drenched.

"A slap where?" Aiyun's voice definitely sounded nervous and pulled the thought away of Jimin away.

"Thigh? You're both wearing skirts, that's easy access." Felix smiled wickedly and you watched him taking in your bare legs where they were tucked beneath the shiny wood of the table.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now