♡ Nine ♡

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"Has Kookie ever cried?"

Your eyes couldn't leave what was happening in front of you. Namjoon, bare chested, was one of the most beautiful things you'd seen. You blushed feeling guilty for thinking it, but the roundness of his chest, wide ribs tapering down to a flat stomach, defined abdomen finally disappearing into low slung pants was turning you on.

"No Kookie has excellent control. Angel, you've seen Joonie before. Don't drool." Jimin laughed letting his fingers tease up your thighs.

"No I haven't, he's always worn a shirt, when we had sex and when I saw him with Kookie at Yoongi's party." You remembered what was below those sculpted hip bones and turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Selfish girl, you want Kookie, Sujin and Joon now?" Jimin brushed your panties for the second time that night, his words reminding you of Hobi's accusation during your interrogation.

"No, I want you. He's just very good looking without his shirt." You moaned your kiss against his mouth when he stroked the cloth over your clit.

"I'm going to make you want until we get home." His thumb pressed more firmly against you, that infinitesimal wiggle that made you see stars.

"Why?" It came out a whimper, your head turning back to Kookie who'd made a similar sound. His stomach was marred with angry red lines from the whip, you remembered it's sting.

"I've waited three months to make love to you again, I'm not wasting it on the couch of Jin's playroom." You agreed the sentiment was in the right place but you also didn't care where it happened again.

"But you said you were going to show everyone who I belong to?" You were whining, unable to accept he wasn't going to give you what you wanted.

"They'll know." You gasped at his thumb teasing you, you tried to focus on the scene.

Namjoon had his fingers tangled in Kookie's hair with his head wrenched to the side. Kookie was glaring, jaw clenched, already misbehaving.

"Does Kookie ever use his safe word?" Your breath caught in your chest when Jimin's finger moved your panties away and made contact with your slick pussy.

"Never when I've been there, but he's a live in submissive, I see only the smallest fraction of their play time." His voice was so normal, whispering answers to your questions while two fingers slid through your inner lips toward your opening.

Your dress still covered you, his hand hidden beneath the canopy of cloth, but other people were less discrete. Sana was already topless and stroking Mingi's cock, they weren't hiding it at all. Moonbin and Sung Eun, the one who'd glared at Aiyun were sitting similar to you and Jimin, his hands all over her body.

Aiyun and Chan hadn't progressed, still sitting close, quietly whispering to each other. You wondered if she was asking him similar questions. Before you could look away she caught you staring and smiled so widely you almost smiled back. Jimin's fingers sliding into your tight walls stopped you.

"Angel you're still so fucking tight." You knew you were dripping onto his pants, why did he never seem to care about that?

"You know what you could use to stretch me out." You moaned the words against his ear, teeth nipping his soft lobe.

"You can't say things like that Angel." He shifted beneath you with a groan, his hard cock pressing against your ass.

"You can tease but I can't?"

"No. Behave sweetheart or I'll have to restrain you." His fingers plunged deeper, turning to swipe against your g spot as they withdrew.

Fire lit in your belly and you closed your eyes, unable to watch Kookie even as much as you enjoyed it. Sitting on his lap like this, much like the basketball game was making you needy.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now