Forty Four ♡

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"I don't want anyone to touch you but Hobi hyung." Jimin spun you around to face him from where you'd been looking into the bathroom mirror, dragging black liner along your lashes.

"Not Yoongi, or Jin? Really no one else?" You raised a brow then stroked the hair that was falling across his forehead.

"Only Hobi, and put this on please." Jimin held out a silver choker with a tiny dangling charm, a wing.

"What's this?" You took it from his hand, looking at the delicate silver shape, your nail tracing its edge.

"Yours Angel." Jimin kissed your cheek and tried to smile but it didn't quite reach its potential on his handsome face.

"What's wrong?" You held it back out to him and turned around so he could fasten it around your neck.

"These aren't the circumstances I want to be giving you such an intimate gift. You're not my girlfriend let alone my sub and I wanted to share this with you when you at least saw a future with me." You turned back toward him, the warm jewelry resting against your throat.

"You know I want a future with you." You smiled, brightly, trying to lure him into a better mood. It worked a bit when he smiled back nodding. "The wing because I'm your Angel?"

"The halo charm just looked like a circle." He dragged you forward, fingers below your chin until your lips touched.

"Why do you call me Angel?" You thought you knew, but you wanted the moment to be special, to defy his sadness about giving you the gift tonight.

"Because the moment I saw you that's what I thought you were, the sweetest, purest, most lovely Angel to ever exist. You were glowing and captivating, and I wasn't the only person in the room who thought so." His hands dropped to your waist and he looked so in love with you, it took your breath away.

"Jagi we both know we don't need a title to tell us what we are to each other. We're just both scared to name this because every time we do we mess up, but we're not going to this time. We're dealing with our issues."

Sujin had set you both up with a trusted colleague who also specialized in non traditional relationships. While you weren't seeing him together you both saw him separately. Jimin was also seeing a therapist that Hybe found that was helping address his trauma. You could feel how committed you both were not only to the health of your relationship but the health of your own minds.

You'd continued to go on dates and not have sex, you'd not even seen each other naked. You'd had several hot and heavy make out sessions that would have made your high school self very jealous.

Jimin lifted you onto the counter and kissed along the choker, as if he was reading your mind again.

"I noticed you said 'I don't want' and not 'no one is allowed' earlier."

"Your body isn't mine to command, but I'm telling you what I want and need from you tonight." His eyes were nervous when he looked at you again.

"Did you tell the guys?" You squeezed his waist before dragging him closer.


"Why only Hobi?"

"I need the other five to be a barrier between you and everyone else. They can't do that if they're all over you. If no one is touching you it will be odd and attract attention, so I picked Hobi. He's the least likely to get overly distracted." Jimin's lips teased down the side of your neck, a hint of teeth as he reached your shoulder.

"I think you're distracted right now."

You'd gone over the plan multiple times, you knew exactly where you were supposed to be, where you weren't. You knew not to eat or drink anything Jin hadn't handed you and to take Tae into the bathroom with you if you had to go.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now