Twenty Eight ♡

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Felix's fingers hesitated and he dropped his hands to the bed, but when you started to back up he caught you around the waist. The tension in his hands drew you slightly nearer, not allowing your escape. He kissed your lips, a teasing brush before looking into your eyes once more.

"Friends with benefits?" He said each word slowly like he was tasting the flavor of each one, deciding if he wanted another bite.

"Yes." You didn't expand on the meaning or speak anything to sway him, consent had to be given not persuaded.

"Do you want me in your bed Y/N? Not just someone, not just a warm body, do you want me in it?" He didn't look insecure when he said it, his brows relaxed and his eyes weren't staring through you intensely.

"Well I heard Kai was still seeing someone so I guess you'll do." You smirked and pinched his cheek, he tossed you onto the bed, his arms grasping your waist and turning rapidly, both of you erupted into laughter.

"I'll do hmm?" His teeth found your neck, biting gently, his hands slipping beneath the robe making you moan.

Felix propped himself on a elbow next to you, and you did the same. His fingers were untying the belt at your waist, lazily with only one hand free. You didn't move to help him instead tried to figure out what he was thinking.

"What are the ground rules of friends with benefits?" The way he flipped between sexy and serious had you off kilter but incredibly turned on.

"No jealousy, no possessiveness, you can't be like you were with Chan when my bra came off. Same goes for me, I can't gatekeep what you do when you're not with me."

"Can we hang out watching a movie then have sex?" The belt gave way and he dragged fingertips across your exposed midriff.

"Yes that's the benefits part."

"Can we hang out eating pizza and playing XBox but not have sex?" His palm cupped the underside of your breast and you sighed pressing against his hand.

"Yes that's the friends part." Your voice held a moan and he grinned.

"Do we have to tell each other if we start seeing other people?" His thumb flicked your nipple and you had a hard time focusing on his question.

"It would be a courtesy but only if we planned to end the benefits part of the friendship. Otherwise we don't have to reveal anything." You reached for him and tugged yourself closer finding it almost painful to have so much space between your bodies.

"Are you going to sleep with other people Y/N?" He kissed your cheek and then down your throat, hot tendrils of sensation toying into your belly.

"Maybe." You thought of Kookie, and realized if Joon said yes, and you very carefully set ground rules, you wanted him back in your bed too.

"And you won't care if I pick a Stay from the next concert or interview and go back to her place?" He looked up from your chest where his kisses had stopped. His eyes were dark but not anxious.

"Use protection, and I will too."

"Deal." His mouth covered as much of your breast as he could fit between his lips and you groaned, fingers curling through his hair.

While you untangled yourself from the silky cloth of your robe, Felix was busy at work tugging your skirt down your hips. You felt excited, the kind that always felt bright and fluid when you slept with a new partner, however; your anxiety was low. You knew how to not accept less than you deserved from him and were confident enough to not let him ignore your pleasure as you'd done with guys before BTS.

You didn't need to worry anyway, because when Felix stroked his tongue along your inner thigh you felt wild with desire. His kisses along your panties had you impatient but you didn't rush, instead moved to your elbows to watch.

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