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All seven of them were in Jimin's living room but there were eight people in the sprawling space. Jungkook, Taehyung, and now Saeron, were kneeling across the room. The silence was tense and no one would acknowledge it.

"She's not playing tonight."

Jimin's tone was clipped, he'd struggled to sound any other way the entire day. He was still imagining you in his arms, regretting how carelessly he'd dismissed you. Regret wasn't enough to make him want to fix it however he thought then glared at Saeron who'd lifted her head.

"Look at the floor, no one addressed you."

His voice was ice this time and she whimpered looking down. Tae and Kookie shifted next to her, completely unlike them, but no reprimands came from Jin or Joon.

"Jimin-," Yoongi started, the soft dom in him reacting poorly to the severity of the words for such a small infraction.

"Don't hyung." Jimin switched dark eyes to Yoongi, he'd be damned if someone undermined him in front of his submissive.

"Koo always wants to play, it's fine." Namjoon spoke up, the voice of reason, always the mediator.

"You're supposed to teach." Jin whispered this gently against Jimin's ear. "Soothe her or you'll have her anxious every time you speak." Jin trailed his hand down Jimin's back trying to release some to the tension.

"Saeron, Angel-," Jimin spoke toward the prone girl, his voice finally carrying a touch of softness.

"No, absolutely not." Kookie was on his feet, cutting Jimin off, breaking his position and stomping toward the couch.

"Woah Kook, Nadu right no-," Namjoon shouted clearly losing control of his sub.

"No I fucking mean it, don't call her that. Pick any other name but don't call her Angel." Kookie stood before Jimin hands clenched, nothing about his posture submissive now.

"Everyone, silence, right now."

Jin stood, annoyance rolling off him. His piercing glare at Kookie had him kneeling but he didn't drop his head. Jin didn't wait he stepped around him and walked to Saeron.

"Taehyungie please take our sweet girl to her room. Lock the door behind her and rejoin us." Saeron lifted her head, brown eyes as wide a saucers at the power struggle in the room.

Everyone watched as Tae stood and touched her arm gently but almost as if touching her was distasteful. A minute later he returned to the living room alone.

"Everyone release, relax." Jin said before sitting back down. Kookie and Tae sat on the couch too, engaging in the conversation.

"You don't touch her, you don't train her, why is she even here Jimin-ah?" Hobi sipped from his glass trying to temper his words.

"You don't know what I do in the privacy of my home when you're away." Jimin rolled his eyes and leaned back on the couch.

"That girl has never fucked Park Jimin." Tae teased trying to lighten the mood. "She wouldn't look like that if she had."

"Stop talking, why do any of you care what I do with her?"

"She's a person not a thing, you're not cruel and you're acting like it. She's been yours for two weeks and I don't think I've seen you even touch her once." Yoongi sat forward resting his forearms on his thighs.

"Mingi said she was ready and that clearly was far from the truth. I'm disappointed in the amount of work there is to do, that's all." Jimin deflected, ignoring Yoongi's accusations.

"Why did you change your door passcode?" Namjoon locked Jimin in place with his gaze, changing the subject back to Jimin. "You didn't even change it after Taemin used it to steal your car keys."

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now