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You'd gone with Kookie, even though he wouldn't tell you any details. Probably because you so badly wanted things to be okay, but also because you felt deeply that they were not. You'd dressed quickly, not paying any attention at all to the sweatshirt and jeans you'd tugged on. Your heart kept going from slow thumps of dread to racing with worry.

"Who's at Jimin's apartment Kookie?" You turned your head watching him drive, he seemed to be experiencing his own tension, his shoulder's too wide, back too straight. You hoped he'd tell you now that you were in the car, committed to going.

"Sujin, Joonie, Saeron, Yoongi, and Jimin." His jaw set too tightly saying Jimin's name, you guessed everyone must know everything.

"Quite a party. Is he alright?" You knew Kookie would know who you meant.

"Joonie wouldn't let me use him like a punching bag, so yeah he's okay." After that Kookie clammed up refusing to answer any more questions. He reached over to the radio and turned it on a popular song flowed into the car.

Namjoon met you at Jimin's door, his long body leaned against the wall, he was flipping through his phone. He gave you a quick squeeze and then Kookie hugged you too long and tightly.

"Let her go Koo." Reluctantly he backed up and then they both headed toward his apartment. You'd thought at least Joon would have something to say.

"You're not coming in?" You suddenly wanted to go to his place, warm and green, fresh air and light. It would be so much easier to ignore everything in Jimin's.


"Sujin and Yoongi?" You swallowed hard stepping toward the door.

"In there with Jimin." Namjoon smiled, but not enough to make his dimples pop, and it made you wary.

"I don't know the code." You dropped your hand to your side.

"Kookie's birthday, but it's not locked." They disappeared behind his door, the soft sound of it shutting leaving you little choice but to face your own door.

Inside the four of them sat on the couches Sujin and Saeron on one, the guys on the other, they hadn't seemed to be talking. Sujin drank from a glass of red wine, Yoongi a crystal tumbler of dark liquid. Saeron and Jimin held nothing. All four turned in your direction and you knew from the ambience of the room this wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation. Jimin didn't hold eye contact with you and it made your chest feel heavy again.

"Welcome Y/N, come sit with Yoongi okay?" Sujin said it brightly, but not with enthusiasm, and Yoongi patted the couch at his side.

"What is this?" You reluctantly took the seat but turned to Jimin quizzically. You felt panic at the edge of your mind, it would be so easy to just fall apart.

"There's a lot of information that you need, and Jimin's going to give it to you. Yoongi's going to join us in case of you have questions for him, about his part in everything, the same with Saeron. Then they're going to leave and we're going to have a difficult conversation. I'm not your therapist, so if at any time either of you dislikes my advice, we can end things. Does everyone get that?" Sujin pulled your attention back to her, and the first tears webbed your lashes even as you nodded your agreement.

"Don't cry Angel." Jimin reached for your hand but Yoongi stopped him.

"I think she's entitled to express whatever emotion she's feeling right now, don't downplay it." His tone was soft but final.

"Go on Jimin." Sujin nodded and you watched as he dragged air into his lungs, his chest expanding as if it could prop him up.

"You asked about the cuts, and instead of answering you I deflected. When that didn't work I ran away from the situation completely. Those two things have a lot to do with each other. I want to tell you about it, but I don't want you to think I told you to get your sympathy later." His dark eyes finally met your own and you felt yourself losing air as quickly as he'd inhaled it.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now