Forty Two

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You'd worn your own pants from the day before but helped yourself to a silky black Louis Vuitton shirt that had monogrammed flowers embossed through the material. The smooth cloth smelled like Jimin, and you brushed it against your cheek before getting ready.

You'd found that his underwear drawer still contained several of your lingerie sets that you'd left over the course of your relationship, neatly laundered and arranged to one side. As you selected one you weren't sure if you found it sweet or weird that he hadn't returned them or thrown them away.

Jimin was already in the kitchen drinking from a pale blue mug when you got there, he smiled at you over the edge. The smirk did something funny to your stomach.

"You have expensive tastes." He teased setting the cup down to pull you against his body, the first brush of his lips was soft but then it was intense his hands holding you almost too tightly before he pulled back.

"Should I pick something else?" You grinned holding the front of the blouse away from your body with two fingers.

"There's nothing I have that I wouldn't give you, Angel." Jimin kissed your cheek and slid a bowl of egg rice in front of you.

"Is there a reason you kept my lingerie Jimin?" You said it lightly glancing up at him as you took a bite of the savory breakfast.

"I guess I hoped you'd come back and claim them." He shrugged noncommittally and took his own bite.

As you lifted your second bite to your mouth you noticed a Polaroid picture face down on the counter. You glanced up at Jimin who still stood beside you eating from his own bowl.

"Is that from last night?"

"Yeah I didn't want you to think it got lost or anything." He nodded and you picked it up already blushing before you'd even seen the picture.

You were tied to his bed, your naked body stretched across its expanse. That you had expected, remembering how he'd looked through the camera at you, but what surprised you was that the frame started at your collarbones. Your face wasn't in the photo at all, any one who wasn't familiar with your body wouldn't know it was you.

Your silence must have unnerved him because he sat his spoon against his bowl and took the picture from your fingers. He held it delicately his eyes moving from it back to you.

"What's wrong? You look gorgeous." His free hand cupped your cheek his eyes worried.

"I just didn't realize you'd cut my head off." You snatched it back placing it face down on the counter again.

"Naked photos are risky, I would never snap one with your face in it." He returned to eating, and you could tell something was on his mind in the way he was too casual about the picture, not teasing you nearly as much as you expected.

Last night after his panic attack he'd laid in your arms for a while before you'd both fallen back to sleep. This morning however you'd woken to an empty bed, he'd already showered and left the bedroom completely.

"Go ahead, say what's on your mind." You felt as if you were holding your breath but instead of answering Jimin picked up the photo again.

"Can I keep it?" He waved it slowly in front of you making you blush again imagining him looking at it later.

"Only if you spit it out."

"I need you to ask Aiyun to send your belongings to Hobi's apartment, because after our date tonight that's where I'll be taking you." Jimin looked tense giving you the news and to say it didn't hurt your feelings would be a lie, but you held your expression very still.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now