♡ Forty ♡

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Someone knocked on the door and you jerked against your restraints your reflexes reacting so quickly. You felt the sharp tug in your wrists, the solidness of your restriction. Jimin's hand stroked across your tummy reassuringly and he laughed softly.

"Calm down Angel, it's only Kookie, should I let him in?" You sighed feeling his kisses along the curve of your breast.

Of course Jimin wouldn't let just anyone into his apartment. He'd set the alarm, and a burglar wouldn't have politely knocked on the bedroom door anyway. You swallowed hard, frissons of anticipation playing with your senses knowing Kookie was about to see you.

"Yes, Sir." Jimin kissed the words from your lips then was gone the bed shifting in a way you knew meant he'd left it. Your body ached for him to return, you almost whimpered you felt so needy, the vibrator making every touch heightened.

The noise of the door unlatching sounded loud in the quiet room and you found you were holding your breath. Jimin must have been calling Kookie when he asked you to wait in the bedroom, but why?

The bed shifted again vanquishing the thought of anything else, you felt so vulnerable that they could see you but you couldn't see them. Like they could read your mind the blindfold lifted and you saw Kookie's adorable smiling face with wide sparkling eyes. Even though Jimin had turned the lights to a dim glow it felt bright and you squinted up at Kookie.

"Hi Bunny." He kissed the tip of your nose with a grin and then winked before he pulled the cloth back over your eyes, returning you to darkness.

"Just wanted you to know it's really me, can I touch you?" You nodded and the room remained quiet, you blurted out a quick 'yes' remembering to vocalize at the last second.

You felt lips along your collarbone, and you assumed it was him, but could you really know it wasn't Jimin? Palms that stroked along your outstretched arms, relieving tension as they traveled to your shoulders left you wondering.

"I think you've been teasing our boy for weeks sweetheart. That's not very nice of you is it?"

Jimin was on your right, not on the bed, not close enough to touch you letting you know it was Kookie with you. Picturing the room in your head you realized he was probably sitting on the velvet chair with your clothing. His voice was clear but across the room, he sounded relaxed and unbothered by the accusation.

"No, Sir." Kookie's teeth nipped along your shoulder where his hand had been a moment before, his finger now tracing up your ribs lazily.

"I think I know what we can do about that." Jimin continued while Kookie tugged against the cord of the egg vibe with his other hand causing a moan to bubble past your lips as it slipped out.

"You won't need that Bunny."

"I think I should let Kookie fuck you, what do you think Angel?" You shivered, Kookie's finger curling inside you, replacing the toy.

"Let me have you babygirl, you're so wet and ready for me." Kookie purred against your ear, teeth nibbling your earlobe gently.

Why did you feel like this was a test? If you said yes would you fail? If you said no? You felt frozen in the decision, confusion compounded by Jimin's silence and Kookie's teasing lips and finger. You opened your mouth to respond, to beg Kookie to do anything he wanted, but stopped.

"I think you've confused her Jiminssi." Kookie's tone held a laugh that didn't escape, a second finger joined the first, a twirl upward leaving you gasping.

"Say yes or no sweetheart, we don't have all day." Jimin did laugh at that, because what else would they rather be doing?

"Can I ask a question Sir?" You swallowed, breaking the rules, saying too much but you needed to know.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now