Fifty Two ♡

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"Love Me Harder" Ariana Grande, The Weeknd







"I'll take the pleasure, take it with the pain"







"What if I said it's bedtime?" Jimin's lips brushed against the side of your breast whispery soft and then placed kisses that moved slowly into your cleavage, downward to your ribs.

Each one was like a scorching ray of sun across your skin, heat that radiated everywhere. His mouth knew just the right pressure to make you want to beg for more.

"Then we'll go to sleep." You tried not to moan, tried not to show your hand that if he actually pulled the plug on what was happening you'd internally combust.

"You don't have any opinion on the subject?" Teeth and tongue teased into the skin above your navel, his fingers still utterly motionless against your inner thigh.

"Didn't you just say I need to start being a little more submissive?" A whimper escaped when his hand squeezed the soft skin of your thigh slightly too firmly. It was as if Jimin was testing your resolve to not contradict him.

"Haven't I also said you need to stop answering my questions with a question of your own, Angel?" In one rough motion he yanked your sweats down toward your knees, head lifting to grin up at you.

You couldn't think of anything to say, you brushed your fingers through his hair looking down at him, how could anyone be so beautiful? Your back practically arched off the bed when he licked across your pussy, achingly slow.

"We don't do casual, we're on a sexual hiatus remember?" You found words, hated that you felt the insecurity in that moment to say them. But it was true, he'd sworn off sex between you because he said it meant too much, and he wasn't ready to make that declaration of commitment.

"Who said I'm going to fuck you?" Jimin asked before wiggling his tongue through all your wetness, it made it hard to think, who needed to think anyway?

"Are you?" You forced yourself to respond, your eyes fluttered open as you concentrated on what he was saying.

"Yes Angel, I think that's exactly what you need me to do." His words dropped into your belly wickedly, the desire almost suffocating in that moment.

Jimin lifted himself over your body until he was level with your face, he kissed your forehead then your lips before laying on his side along your body. It was like you were holding your breath, waiting for him to say something else, do something, you didn't want to be the one to break the spell. His finger traced from your collarbone down your breast to your belly, his dark eyes meeting yours the entire time.

"I need to remind you there's no one else in the entire world I want or love more than you." Jimin finally broke the silence with a soft smile.

He kissed you then, rolling back over your body, one arm below your neck to lift you toward his mouth. It was a searing kiss that pulled you into his orbit, like he was a planet and you were only his moon. Nothing existed except where your lips touched, his tongue slipping against yours. You tasted yourself and his familiarity below that, all you wanted was to drown in him, dive head first into Park Jimin.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now