Sixty Two

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No was one home when you reached your parent's apartment, not even the sounds of your mother's maid toiling in the kitchen or cleaning up invisible messes in the already pristine rooms. When you reached your old room the bed was tidily made again and you figured she'd already done her work and left. You grabbed a notepad from your drawer and hastily scrawled a message for your parents.

'This box belongs to Park Jimin, please do not open, I'll be back to get it as soon as I can. -Y/I'

You'd decided against texting them about the videos and the safe, paranoia making you unsure if someone was clever enough to have cloned your cell phone. Had you ever really watched it closely enough? You shook your head at the thought, but then remembered Irene's technical skills in bugging two apartments.

You quietly entered your parents wing, one you'd rarely entered before without one of them by your side and opened the tall safe behind the family portrait in the lounge area. With steady hands you pushed in your mother's birthday followed by your own and the six lights along the top glowed green. You'd felt confident your father had not changed it since you were younger. You'd been fascinated by how it worked standing on a chair opening it over and over while he watched.

You placed the wooden box with the note on top of a stack of file folders, important family documents you guessed and then closed the door. Orange and then red lights flashed where the green had been and it was locked once more.

You'd known this was the safest place for the videos to be right now, how would Jimin or anyone else in BTS secure them at the hospital? Besides no one was to be trusted, hadn't Saeron, Mingi, and Sana being involved proved that even people you thought were close could betray you? It wasn't that you thought any of the boys or Sujin capable of treachery but why tempt fate? If that hurt their feelings then you couldn't help it.

As you made your way back to the front door, your heart beating less rapidly knowing the videos were protected you tugged your phone from your pocket dialing Joon once more. You'd not dared call him and tell him anything until you were sure the videos weren't at risk anymore.

"Are you on your way now?" Once again Joon answered and was directly to the point, his tone more alert than your last conversation.

"No, I'm not. Turns out Saeron, Mingi, and Sana have been helping Irene." You paused at the front door, deciding not to have this conversation in front of the dozens of cameras between you and your car service, unsure if any recorded sound.

"They what?" He sounded completely shocked, and you bit your lip to prevent yourself from mentioning the tapes.

"Irene threatened Sana and the two of them were working with her to keep Sana from being exposed. Mingi sent Saeron to sub for Jimin as a spy." Saying the words reignited anger that you'd not felt in her presence, you'd been so focused on being alert you'd not felt proper outrage in the moment.

"Saeron tried to kill you? I should have sent Kookie, I'm sorry Y/N." Joon's voice had shifted from shocked to protective. "Are you alright? Where are you?"

"I'm fine, Saeron said they weren't involved with the party, I believe her so I have another stop to make, don't feel bad about Kookie, how could you have known?"

You wanted to soothe him, but a part of you felt maybe he was right to be upset with himself. You'd tried to do the right thing by seeking back up, and he'd been too distracted to care. You'd been genuinely scared for a few minutes, that old fear washing over you in a suffocating blanket of panic.

"Where are you going?"

"I've got to see Eunwoo, she's the key to finding out who dosed the drink if it really wasn't Saeron or Mingi." You glanced at the screen of your phone checking your time, still wanting to catch Eunwoo at home.

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