Sixty Three

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"Don't gloat, it looks bad on you." Eunwoo glared making you deflate. What had you thought telling her would accomplish?

"Doesn't that ruin everything?" Pathetic, that's what you sounded like, you wished you could think of something better to verbally stab her with.

"Yesterday when you visited with Sujin I knew I needed a back up plan. Taemin pointed you right in my direction and if I refused to help it would look suspicious. You'd get our families involved, they'd say I'm being selfish." She sighed, pausing in place but it was a deeply tired sound that reverberated through the space.

"What did you decide?" Your voice shook, as much as you wanted to feel brave you didn't. Why hadn't you thought to get your father and uncle to force her into going to see Taemin?

"I hadn't thought of anything, but then you messaged me like a pitiful little worm crawling back. I realized then I can still make Jimin pay." She turned her body slowly until she was grinning at you much like a very hungry bird about to strike it's morning meal.

It was an ugly look, one that chilled you through your whole body even without the help of the gun in her hand. Where was the knowledgeable older cousin teaching you about boys and helping you pick university classes? Looking into her eyes you couldn't even see that person anymore.

"Jimin's protected by security, you'll never get to him again. If you thought he was watched closely before it will be two or three times as many guards now." You pulled all the anger up you had left, you'd never let her get to him. You knew the rest of the guys and Hybe wouldn't either.

"I don't need him. I have you." She said it so gleefully that you were stunned. Why hadn't you thought of that? The truth shivered through your body like a splash of ice water.

"You said you didn't think you could hurt your cousin!" Your words poured out shrill and it made her raise a brow, pleased with your terror?

"I didn't think I could, but given the lack of options now what choice do I have? I can't let you leave. Besides how gutted will Park Jimin be when he realizes he didn't save you at all. So close, but not quite." Her laughter was a vicious sound, but with notes of mania.

"He doesn't even remember me!" You threw it in her face with your own manic laugh. "He thought I was Jjille and he asked for Taehyung! You'll kill me and he won't even know to be sad."

Saying the words had hurt you deeply, the weight of everything falling onto you heavily. She was going to kill you and Jimin wouldn't even miss you. Wasn't that more cruel than anything else? Maybe it wasn't cruel maybe it was the sweetest victory you could hope for in the situation. Jimin would feel no pain, never understand the loss, she'd win nothing.

"You're lying." Eunwoo glared, her teeth clamping shut so the word growled from her lips.

"I'm not, when we got back to the hospital from your apartment he woke, but he truly thought I was her, he's got no memories from anything recent. He still believes he's in love with Tae, that he's just protecting Jjille from Irene. Did you know he never loved her? It was always Tae." You could feel the wet tears streaking down your cheeks, your head a mess of emotion.

"Prove it." Eunwoo rushed toward you and you threw your hands up between your bodies, alarmed at what she about to do.

You felt the short barrel of her gun dig into your ribs, but then you realized she was grabbing your purse. She ripped it from your shoulder, the strap snapping as she rifled through it's contents until your phone was in her hand. Your purse was tossed behind her, things toppling from it's open zipper.

"Call someone, I want them to say it out loud. Be very fucking careful what you say Y/N, keep it quick." Eunwoo held the phone up, the face id recognizing you and then she scrolled to your recent calls.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now