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"I think you can go now Sae. Yoongi will take you to Jin's for the night." Sujin was explaining to her and you looked over raising a brow.

"Does Tae know?" While you didn't blame Saeron for what happened tonight, and in reality she'd saved the situation from being even worse, you didn't want to pass her along again.

"Of course." She didn't expand on the statement and silence crept into the room while everyone watched her grab a bag and leave.

"Look, the threat to your relationship isn't whether or not Jimin had sex with someone else. I know in your head you think that's the line in the sand, but Y/N it's really not."

Sujin stood, her voice had a weariness to it. For the first time since you'd arrived you wondered what everyone else had been doing that had been interrupted by your drama with Jimin. She was dressed elegantly, as if she'd been out somewhere fancy. You could recall that Namjoon had been wearing dress pants and a crisp button down shirt. You guessed the blazer had been discarded somewhere between the two apartments.

Everyone had dropped what they were doing, first for Jimin and now for you. It extinguished some of your rage, and you glanced at him. He looked miserable, his fingers were toying with his ring, and you looked down at your own.

Sujin refilled her glass of wine and returned to her seat at the opposite side of the couch where she looked at you both for a moment. You didn't know what to say, Jimin wanting to have sex with other people was a dealbreaker, it was the line in the sand.

"Then what's the threat Sujin?" Jimin spoke up each word as if it were gravel in his dry throat.

"Y/N you're insecure, untrusting, you look at him like an enemy and not your partner. You've boxed him into a relationship that he doesn't thrive in, stifling him sexually. You accept all his leeway to sleep with all his friends, but keep the rope around his neck." There was some heat in her words, and it made you feel defensive but she held her hand up silencing you before you could throw out all your frantic justifications.

"Jimin you're closed off with Y/N even knowing it makes her more insecure. You're hung up on your trauma and not dealing with it. You think that sex can mask any feeling and in a heated situation that requires careful thoughts you default to that instead. A trauma response can excuse your trouble opening up, it can't excuse turning to Sae's bed." Sujin sat back crossing her legs again, Jimin didn't look half as offended as you'd been.

"Do the two of you even like each other?" She glanced back and forth between you.

"I love her, why would you ask that?" Jimin shot out the answer right away, too quickly, and it didn't feel right.

"Do you? I mean really? Because this feels more like an exceptionally toxic obsession." Your mouth fell open hearing her reduce your relationship with Jimin to that. She was unbothered by your reaction, taking a sip, eyes catching yours over the glass.

"That's not true." You said it petulantly finally finding your voice after holding your tongue for the last several minutes.

"It's not? You could have fooled me. You bailed on him after the accident, which was definitely your right to do, but then you popped into his bed instead of dialing a phone." Why did everything she say leave you feeling attacked, why was she always right?

"I'm not an obsessed fan." You murmured the words turning your body away from him. "I didn't even like him he chased me until he won me over."

"Don't think I'm leaving him out when I say obsession. Jimin falls all over himself to make grand gestures to prove his love to you, but the moment it feels difficult he runs away like he's being chased by a saesang." Jimin winced at her words, and his ring felt warm on your finger as if it would burn the words into your skin.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now