Fifty Five

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You were screaming, the sound was torn from your body your lungs burning, you couldn't even move quickly enough, tripping in your heels as you moved toward him jerkily. Before Jimin's head could touch the floor Wonpil caught him, rolling his body to the side.

You reached them just as his eyes closed, his skin was cold and clammy where your fingers brushed his cheek. You couldn't think of what to say, just cupped his cheek, blood oozing between your fingers from his nose. Your head swayed with faintness but you refused to let yourself give in to the feeling.

"Call 112." Someone was shouting the clamour of the DJ suddenly gone, the remaining noise the shuffling of bodies, the murmurs of concern.

You looked down, your hand resting in a sticky pool of his blood where it ran from his mouth, racking coughs bringing it up so red it was almost unreal. Jisang was speaking to Jimin, asking him questions, but he wasn't responding his body tremulous as if he was having a seizure. The remainder of Day6 and their security forced the crowd backward, making room, but no one was leaving, everyone stuck in place by the shock rolling through the room.

Someone grabbed your waist tugging you backward and you felt rage all at once, whipping around to shout, but Jin was there first, moving the hands of a Hybe security guard from your body.

"She's his girlfriend, let her go." Words, so many people were saying words that didn't even matter, and then Jimin was still.

No coughing, no shaking, just utterly unmoving beneath your hands. You decided that the lifelessness was worse. At least before it looked like his body was fighting against whatever had attacked him.

The security guards moved around you, assessing him, taking his wrist and pressing against his neck, shouting things back and forth that your brain couldn't even interpret. They sounded concerned, words like 'shallow breathing' and 'bounding pulse' that made them exchange looks.

"Jin, he took my champagne, he took my glass." The words were shatteringly brittle, fracturing one over the the other, because in that second you just knew.

Jin didn't get a chance to respond because a BLS crew was laying down a stretcher, gently moving Jimin's body from the floor to the white sheet padded surface. He eased you backward and you wanted to scream again. You didn't want to let go of Jimin, convinced if you even blinked you'd never see him alive again.

You finally allowed it because it was Jin, and you both watched as one of the paramedics tilted Jimin's head backward a long tube slipping between his lips. Another paramedic pressed a breathing bag to his face, the blood making it slide slightly to the side. The stretcher was yanked upward, the crew closing around him and you grabbed one, wrenching him backward before they could leave.

"I think he's been poisoned, don't let him die, please." All at once the tears sprang free watching him nod, and then they were running, the crowd making room for them to go.

Jin pulled you against his chest, Tae and Kookie closing around you seconds later, their shushing and patting not soothing you at all.




We would like to inform you that BTS member Jimin has been hospitalized due to an allergic reaction. Yesterday following the awards show BTS attended a party with people involved in the music industry and he ingested something which caused a serious and life threatening response.

Jimin is currently in critical condition but doctors are working diligently to keep him comfortable and aid in his recovery.

We would like to express our gratitude to the outpouring of concern and support for him as well as the entirety of BTS and the Hybe family. We hope to update with positive news in the near future.

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