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You woke early the next morning, for the first couple minutes you laid on your back staring at the familiar lines of the ceiling. There had been so many nights you'd wondered where your life was headed, not once did you ever think Park Jimin would be involved. Your heart clenched suddenly with the uncertainty of how he would participate in your life moving forward, what you'd mean to him in the future.

Jimin and Tae's failed romance was on your mind, thinking about what Jin had told you. Had Irene ruined their chance, did they deserve to be happy and was that a possibility? Could you and Jin step aside and try to be supportive?

You didn't feel sad anymore, but you couldn't really name the emotion. Jimin was awake, that made you feel relieved, but he hadn't known you which was confusing.

You wondered what happened when Tae got to his room. You tried to feel grateful that someone who loved Jimin was there for him since it couldn't be you. Would it be the worst thing in the world if they wanted to be together your brain going back to that. You shook your head not ready to think that far ahead. Imagining the two of them in bed together had been sexy a week ago, now it felt differently.

Ignoring the pounding in your head you finally got up and showered then dressed in the pitiful remains of your closet. With a final glance in the mirror you hurried to join your parents for breakfast. The first sip of hot coffee released tension in your shoulders and you grabbed for your bowl of rice.

"How's Jimin? Have the police figured anything out yet?" Your mother tried to look at you casually from her seat but she sounded worried, you'd barely given them any information.

"In love with Tae again." You shoveled rice and a fish cake into your mouth chewing slowly not meeting her eye. You hoped being flippant might give her something else to focus on.

"What?" Confusion came over her and you almost felt sorry for your sarcasm.

"He woke up last night, but he's having some memory issues." You swallowed down the food, finding that saying it out loud didn't hurt like it had yesterday.

"Awake and in love with Kim Taehyung?" She frowned dragging a spoon through her coffee cup the  rattling sound filling the silence, clearly she was completely lost.

"Yep." You finally answered, not sure what else to say about it.

"But he's awake. Alive. Breathing? Capable of feeling love even if it's not for you?" Your father leaned forward eyeing you with sharpness.

"Yes, breathing on his own, conscious, and talking." You reached across the table for some pickled vegetables your appetite which had disappeared since the night of the party returned.

"Why are you here then?" Your mother handed the dish to you before you could drag your sleeve through the eggs.

"Because it hurt me when he didn't know who I was and I needed space. I knew Tae would take care of him and I just wanted to be alone." You crunched into a carrot not at all irritated by their questioning as you thought you would be, as you usually were.

"And now what's your plan?" She scooped an egg over your rice still trying to understand while being cautious of your feelings. You appreciated the effort they were both showing in their restraint.

"I get over feeling sorry for myself. I threw my pity party, now I need to figure out who gave me that glass of champagne." Using your chopstick you broke the yolk and then lifted a huge bite to your mouth.

"Do you really think you're the right person to figure that out? Shouldn't the police be doing more?" Your mom looked agitated and you knew all the old fears from your accident were coming back.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now