Sixty Four

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"I Gave It All" by Aquilo







"I've waited by the other side my friend"

"You'll find it funny when you're looking back someday, the love you knew the love you know"







Eunwoo was tense, pacing in front of you looking at the door, her face stricken her body shuddering with each thump at the door. She glanced down as if realizing the gun was still in her hand and raced toward you.

Your whole body froze waiting for her violence, or even worse a shot but she just wrenched one side of her belt from your wrist her fingers prying it open, nails scratching your numb skin. Freed from the table she shoved you toward the living room.

"Get behind the couch and if you make so much as a single sound I will shoot his pretty little freckle right off his fucking lip." Her furious whisper made you choke back a sob and then you half ran half stumbled across the rug to hide like she'd demanded. Silently you pried the other wrist free, hands rubbing together to try to return any feeling from the numb digits.

Laying on the floor you were able to peek around the couch through the legs of a table and see her approach the door. It vibrated with Kookie's continued pounding, you watched as she dropped the petite gun into her pocket, the bulge was noticeable but without knowing what it was you'd never have guessed.

"Yah! Jungkookie calm down, you'll bring all my neighbors into the hall." Eunwoo opened the door, her tone irritated as if he were a child, but amiable as though she thought him amusing at the same time.

"Sorry Eunwoo, I was supposed to catch up with Y/N but she's not answering her phone. The last I heard she was coming here." Kookie slipped into the room, his eyes were scanning, his body coiled tightly with tension.

"You missed her, she just spoke with Joon and left, something about meeting with Saeron at Jimin's. How is he anyway? She seemed really upset while she was here." Acid rose in your throat at how easily Eunwoo had transitioned back into the sweetest warm and glowing host even though she looked disheveled.

"What happened in here?" Kookie was walking toward the dining room, the littered mess of the tantrum visible from the doorway, you pressed your cheek to the floor not to be seen.

"I was redecorating and dropped a few boxes, I was just headed to the kitchen to grab some gloves for the glass." She stepped between Kookie and the dining room table before shrugging feigning embarrassment, as if to say 'clumsy Eunwoo'.

"Where's the boxes? I can help you pack them back up and carry them for you." You watched as Kookie's eye zeroed in on your purse on the rug, his cheeks flushing.

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