Fifty One ♡

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"Are you taking me back to Hobi's?" You let your fingers trace a pattern against his thigh, vowing to not to put too much weight into his answer.

"We could go back to my place if you want but I think we need to talk when we get there." Jimin squeezed your knee and then dropped his hands from the steering wheel. His words had dropped anxiety into your body, you felt it in every nerve.

You stayed quiet several minutes, watching the headlights in the dark night etch across his face as cars drove by the parking garage. The light spilled across his features beautifully and you loved just admiring him, but the feeling was tainted by your growing discomfort.

"Maybe we should talk another night, it's late and I really have some things to finish for the party tonight." You said it as airily as you could manage when he lowered his dark eyes to you.

"Is that what you want, Angel?" Jimin smiled and you felt like you needed to answer but you couldn't imagine what to say.

His body was relaxed and turned toward you, his hand dropping from the steering wheel to claim yours. His fingers curled through yours and drew you closer to the center console.

"I don't know." You shrugged and pinched the back of his hand softly, not able to admit your unease.

Jimin didn't say anything just tugged you upward until your lips met, his kiss was sweet. His lips were not demanding, his arms only softly holding you against his body. It was comforting and you felt all your raw nerves soothing.

"I love you." He pulled back, kissing your nose then cheeks before meeting your eyes.


"Promise." Jimin kissed you one more time before settling back into the seat and grabbing the wheel. "Let's go. My place. Take the night off from party planning." Jimin unlocked the doors and you headed back upstairs.

Thirty minutes later you were in his shower, alone, he'd given you clothes to sleep in and left the bathroom with a smile. The last time you'd showered together he'd run out so quickly you worried he'd slip. Where the kiss had made you feel better, this made you feel weird again.

You cleaned up quickly removing your make up and then moving to the sink to brush your teeth, your purple toothbrush still in the holder from last time. That made you pause, why hadn't he just tossed it out?

You heard the door open and Jimin slipped behind you at the sink, hands around your waist he nuzzled your neck. He was wearing a robe and looked cozy, relaxed.

"I heard the shower stop, my turn?" You nodded leaning backward in his arms, he hugged you tightly. Just that one hug released all the tension you'd built up over the stupid shower situation.

He stepped away hanging the robe by the shower and winked at you flirtatiously before slipping in. You'd never tire of seeing his naked body, but it also made you laugh at how he teased you.

In the bedroom you changed into the sweats and tshirt, and realized they were your size, not his like usual. He'd thought to get you something to sleep in, knowing that you'd stay over, and it almost brought tears to your eyes.

"Do you like them?" Jimin was leaning against the door to the bathroom watching you. He'd changed into his own sweats but remained shirtless, his defined abs disappearing into the waistband.

"Yep." He smiled and slipped onto the bed with you.

"Let's talk about tonight, I don't want you to feel insecure or negatively tomorrow."

"What about tonight? I think it went okay?" Just him implying you could change your mind made the first feelings of insecurity hover over you.

"Everyone wants Sujin. She's gorgeous, funny, smart, and safe." Jimin pulled you into his lap resting his chin on your shoulder, the contact with his warm body helped you feel calmer.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now