Forty Three

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While everyone said goodbye to Kihyun and Momo, thanking them for their help, you pulled your phone from your purse. Kookie had made his way to your side looking a little sheepish and you wanted to be irritated but you couldn't.

"Hi Kook." You pinched his cheeks before dropping your hands back to the phone in your lap. "How do you ask someone to let your ex boyfriend beat them up?"

"Well a couple things, you should probably stop calling Jimin your ex, the way you were all over each other against the door makes me think that doesn't accurately describe the situation." Kookie teased but you blushed all over again imagining the ten of them watching that intimate moment.

"Two, Felix subs willingly all the time, you just need to find out if he's willing to sub for Jimin." How could Kookie look so devastatingly adorable smiling down at you while talking about BDSM? Only he could pull that off so effortlessly.

"I think he's with Yeji so I'm not sure he's even in a place where he'd want to do it." You'd spoken to Felix several times since Jimin had rushed into your office in a fit of rage, but you couldn't recall him mentioning her.

"I think he said that so you wouldn't feel guilty. Yeji has been switching with Yeonjun and Taehyun." The grimace on Kookie's face said you'd completely misread the Felix situation.

"Damn it now it's going to be even worse if I ask him. How do you always seem to know who's messing with each other? Why does it feel like the whole kpop industry is involved?" You narrowed your eyes, wanting to change the subject.

"People say all kinds of things in front of very quiet subs who don't make eye contact. And don't exaggerate less than a fourth of idols are involved."Kookie grinned and you both looked up seeing Jimin.

"I'm going to ask him, it's not your place Angel." He held out his hand and you took it, he dragged you to your feet. "Let's go to your bedroom and you can video chat him."

You looked back at everyone, clustered together with Jin who was typing something on his phone. You hadn't even greeted everyone but you felt Jimin's gentle pressure on your waist and followed him.

"They won't leave until we come back and tell them what Felix said." It was like he could always read your mind.

Even though he'd never visited your bedroom at Hobi's with you he led you right to it. You almost laughed at yourself, this was his hyung, of course he was familiar with his home. You shut the door behind him and he looked back at it almost alarmed.

"Geez Jagi I'm not going to throw you on the bed and take advantage of you. No reason to be so jumpy." You'd been heading toward the bed but after his reaction you switched direction for the small table and chair.

"Come here, I'm sorry it's not like that, I'm just tense in general." Jimin caught you around the waist and dragged you against his body.

"Let's just get this over with." You frowned at him, your feelings still hurt that he'd made you feel he'd not wanted to be alone with you.

"You're so pretty when you pout." Jimin dragged his thumb along your bottom lip grinning and backed you up to the bed, your bodies turning.

"Don't." You tried to frown more but you were getting caught up in his intoxicating energy, and then just like that he had you laid across the bed. His own body pressed into yours heavy and muscular in a way that made it hard to think.

"Don't give you my love?" His breathless laugh had you losing all your senses as he brushed his fingers against the bare skin of your tummy, your shirt edged upward.

You let your own hands explore his warm skin, nails dragging along his ribs, his shirt loose and easy to move. He kissed your earlobe and then your neck and you understood how easily you could get completely lost on this bed beneath him.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now