Fifty Seven

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The look Taemin gave Sujin could have melted steel, but he held out his hands for the guard to cuff him once more.

"Could you also take the key from his pocket? I'm sure it was an oversight, not even worth mentioning that he had it." You found your voice, shaky on the first words but confident by the end as you stepped away from the wall and the guard looked chastised but complied.

"I'm guessing you weren't feeling very cooperative." Sujin finally addressed him once the three of you were alone, Taemin properly restrained by his cuffs to the metal loop on the table.

Sujin sat next to you, long legs crossed, ever the cool collected therapist once more, forehead smooth no longer wrinkled in concern. She seemed bored, waiting for a response she couldn't have cared less to hear.

"I could have felt more cooperative if you'd waited another ten minutes." Taemin's smirk was ugly and you tried not to let it unsettle you again, the implication of what he intended to do made you feel queasy.

"Ten minutes is nothing to brag about, has prison really softened your dick that much?" Sujin's retort froze him, that acid glare resurfaced but she wasn't swayed.

"Do you really not care that they hurt Jimin?" You leaned forward desperate to find any humanity in the beautiful monster.

"Did I want them to hurt him? No. Do I care that they did? Also no."

"What does she have on you Taemin? She has questionable sexual consent tapes on Jimin, what's keeping you in line?" Sujin tapped a fingernail on the metal surface of the table, the sound was annoying right away.

"Loyalty, something most of you know nothing about." Taemin glanced at her finger, wincing as she increased the pace of the tapping.

"Your definition of loyalty is flawed. You weren't exactly faithful to Eunwoo. Did you have any feelings for her at all?" You noticed his face fell slightly at the mention of her name, you'd expected a sassy response and were met with none.

"Loyal to Irene, loyal to the person who gave me everything I have, Jimin never valued that." His eyes were watching Sujin's finger, flinching at each strike against the table.

"Jimin got her wrath, maybe he felt a little less warmly about her." Sujin added a second fingernail, the sound grating, you glanced at her but she ignored you.

"Poor Jimin." Taemin rolled his eyes, feigning apathy but he still seemed off kilter, was it the tapping or your mention of Eunwoo?

"I spoke with her last week." You let that sentence settle between you, his eyes widening then he shrugged and glanced at the wall.

"How did you end things with her?" Sujin must have picked up what you did.

"When I told her I was still attending parties she freaked out, even though I wasn't sleeping with anyone else." There was unresolved frustration in that answer, a curious thing to hear from him.

Sujin stopped tapping, you both almost froze, not expecting him to have revealed so much. Something in his demeanor had changed, an eagerness to be understood?

"If you knew anything about her you'd have known that was a deal breaker. Why choose to be with someone if that lifestyle meant so much to you?" Sujin's voice was tender, softening around him and he responded to that, leaning forward, pain on his face.

"I didn't want the lifestyle anymore, Irene just wouldn't let me out." He hissed the words, angry ugly sounds that had you floored, this wasn't anything you'd have thought he'd say.

Taemin was still evil, he still deserved his cell. Clearly his compliance in trying to kill you, and his assault minutes ago meant he wasn't a good person, but there seemed to be other layers to him.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now