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You weren't sure this was a good idea, it definitely wasn't easing into a friendship with Jimin. You knew how things progressed at these parties. Something more casual like dinner or a quiet party at your place might have been better.

You also weren't sure if Aiyun was ready for this introduction. She assured you she wasn't as innocent as you thought, even admitting to a threesome in college where she'd let the guys tie her up.

You'd spent the last two evenings coaching her on etiquette and dynamics. Talking to her about how she needed to keep her cool around famous people. While you'd never received an NDA before two had shown up at your apartment.  You'd begrudgingly signed them realizing you didn't have girlfriend privileges, or maybe Jimin just didn't trust you the same as before.

"But how do you feel about guys messing around with each other?" You were curling a strand of hair and trying not to sound anxious.

"Like kissing?" She sat on your bed buckling a tall nude heel around her dainty ankle.

"Like more than kissing, a lot more." You yelped scorching a fingertip, distracted by the conversation.

"Sign me up, I'm sure there won't be a single guy there that isn't to die for attractive. I'm not like Eunwoo, I have a very open mind."

"You can't just ogle the guys, you have a very important job tonight Aiyun!" You set down the curler and turned to her frowning.

"I won't let Jimin take you away from the group. No private conversations with him." She quoted faithfully with a soft smile, it wasn't lost on you that you were treating Jimin with the caution of Eunwoo.

You knew your weakness, if he got you alone for any amount of time you'd fold to anything he wanted. The last couple days you'd messaged and video chatted endlessly. You were still every bit as in love with him as before the break up.

The issue was Jimin hadn't told you even once that he loved you. Certainly you could assume it right? He wouldn't be so intent on speaking to you and being around you otherwise? Was it possible it was just possessiveness? He didn't want anyone else to have you despite moving on with Saeron himself?

Your phone pinged next to you on the make up table and you glanced at the screen. Of course it was him, Aiyun was in the room and your mother wouldn't text so late.

PJ: I'm sending a ride, I can feel your cold feet from here Angel

YN: You're already at Jin's?

PJ: We got here early to help set up

We. 'We' got here early to set up. You didn't respond, instead started brushing out your curls and grabbed a hair tie twisting it into a messy bun.

"We're not going." You yanked the plug from the wall for the curler and started to grab a make up wipe when Aiyun caught your wrist.

"What? What did he say?" She held you still while she looked at your messages.

"You're upset that he's already at Jin's? Did he say we'd ride together?"

"No." You wrenched your hand away but she caught you firmly.

"It's that he said 'we'. Don't be dumb Y/N you knew she's going to be there, doesn't he want you to meet her?" Aiyun was smart, she picked up on your irritation right away.

"I hate her and I don't want to meet her."

Aiyun had plugged the curler back in and had gently taken your hair down from its tie. You remained silent as she fixed the damage you'd done.

"Jimin loves you. He didn't invite you to rub his relationship in your face." She twisted a strand around a finger then eased it into place with a pin. Within minutes your hair was a lovely updo, your elegant neck showing enticingly.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now