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Pretty Please

"Mean it" Lauv ft Lany









You packed all your clothes, pictures of family and friends, personal items. You'd decided to move in with Aiyun, she'd been begging you for years to keep her company in her ridiculously large townhouse. Why you'd always shied away from it you didn't understand, maybe it was her untidiness or desire to surround herself with too many people. You liked your quiet privacy, but moving back to your parent's would have even less of that.

You'd leave everything else, the beautiful meticulously selected furniture, tasteful decorations, and everything that had made this place feel like a home. In a fit of temper you'd shredded a throw pillow, the remnants of its stuffing still littering the floor behind the couch.

You would have to clean it up before your father's clients came by to sign their sublet. They had been looking for a furnished apartment for their four month stay in Seoul. The wife couldn't bear the thought of a hotel and craved a warm space with a well appointed kitchen.

After that you'd only have a couple months and your lease would end, extinguishing your connection with Jimin. Even thinking his name sent sadness through your body, sinking into your heart like raptor talons, leaving it shredded. He just loved someone else? Just moved her in like you'd never existed. How had he put it? You would be a faceless name someday?

You checked the time on your phone tapping it gently, it lit up Jimin's handsome face still the lockscreen. Why had you left that all this time? You pushed the thought down deciding to change it later. It was after one, your father had ordered a small moving van to pick up your things at two. You'd walk through the apartment one more time.


"How could you let her in with Sae there?" Namjoon was angry, eyes narrowed at Jimin who sat in his living room.

"She was there to yell at me about the apartment. I don't think she needed coddling if she was the one provoking the situation." He shrugged and lifted his tea, but he knew that wasn't the truth.

"You're the one provoking, the one being an asshole! Let her move, what are you thinking trapping in her a fake lease?" Namjoon wasn't going to hear it, Jimin wanted to keep you here it was that simple.

"She wants me to make her stay. She'll hate me if I let her go." Jimin swallowed hard the tea barely making it down his throat.

"Y/N wants you to say you forgive her for shutting you out. That you're sorry you put her in danger and you'd never let anyone hurt her again. She wants you to want her back. This sick game you're playing is below you Jiminie."

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