Fourteen ♡

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When Jimin reached your bed he didn't lay you on it, instead he turned and fell back against the pillows, the momentum carrying you over him. You wasted no time pulling your shirt over your head. You wanted to feel him all over your body.

"Angel, I've thought about this exact moment for a long time." Jimin caught your fingers, linking them with his before you could unhook your bra. That single gesture slowed everything down, a stark contrast to him running down your hallway only a moment ago.

"What did you think about?" You straddled his hips looking down at him, he was beautiful and relaxed looking up at you. If anyone was angelic between the two of you it was Jimin.

"Sometimes that I'd ruin you, others that I'd torture you until you begged for release, mostly that I'd make you want never want to be anything but at my mercy again." You shivered at his words, you knew he could do all of them so easily.

"What have you decided Jagi?" You pulled his shirt from his pants with your free hand, fingertips sliding against the warm skin of his vline.

Jimin shrugged lazily, lifting your intertwined hands to brush your fingertips over his plush lips. He released you and slipped his hand into his front pocket withdrawing a small black velvet jewelry bag. He pulled out two identical rings, bands with a single pale yellow stone on each. He held them up and you read 'His Angel PJM' on one and 'My Angel Y/I' on the inside of the platinum loops.

"I messed up giving you the same ring as Jjille, you deserved your own special ones." Jimin kissed your finger and then slid 'His Angel' past your knuckle into place. "I love you Y/N."

"That was kinda obtuse of you." You took his ring and slid it onto his same finger. "You must have been pretty sure I would forgive you if you brought them tonight."

"I've kept them with me since I bought them the day of Jin's party." Jimin's optimistic smile made you feel instantly happy, there was no trace of accusation that you hadn't let him give them to you. No shadowing of regret for what happened that night.

"I love them, almost as much as I love you." You grinned and he sat up kissing you, fingers tangling in your hair.

His kiss left you breathless and needy, his tongue sliding against your bottom lip until you tasted him. He was hard against your body, but when you reached for him he trapped your wrist in his fingers.

"Not yet." You felt his sharp bites against your bottom lip until you whimpered, wanting him, frustrated with his control.

"Please." You begged as Jimin's lips kissed toward your ear and the warm breath made you shiver as it crept against the bare skin of your shoulder.

"Say you won't leave unless there's no other choice. Promise that it's not over between us until we've tried everything else first." His whispers curled against your throat, his tongue dragging an inch before he kissed you, his mouth leaving its mark.

"I promise."

Jimin rolled you to the bed under him and turned your face until you were looking up at him. He furrowed his brows as if he was attempting to read every detail of your face, your mind.

"Promise me again sweetheart." He said it slowly and deeply, a rumble through your bodies where they touched.

"I promise Jimin." You stroked your fingers down his cheek and he turned his head kissing your palm.

"Now take your clothes off before I rip them off."

"You wouldn't!" His deep growl of an order warmed your blood.

He slid down the bed and grabbed the waist of your pants wrenching them apart, the button shredding away and the zipper protesting as it split open. Jimin grinned, but in a way that went straight between your legs and then he pulled them off roughly.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now