Three ♡

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You'd decided to work from home, the anxiety of waiting for Mr Kang's call about your apartment situation had you distracted. You were wrapping up your work for the day and thinking about dinner before your ringtone shook you from your laptop screen.


"It's Mr Kang, I just wanted to let you know we received a response from the owner. He says he isn't in a position where he can break the lease. He proposed you finish out the terms and move in the spring when he can more readily find a replacement." His tone was apprehensive and each sentence raised your temper.

"That's it? That's final?" You tapped your nails on the cool wooden surface of your desk.


"Don't stop looking for new places. It's not final to me, I'll get back to you tomorrow. I am moving out."

You thanked him brusquely and hung up glaring out the window that looked across to windows on the other side of the courtyard. Jimin had a lot of audacity keeping you here when he couldn't even stand your presence.

You stood and crossed your arms thinking, you clearly couldn't stay here. Convincing your father to continue paying rent for this apartment while you paid it somewhere else wasn't going to work. You could move home, sublet this place to a friend, but the thought of being in their space again made you feel restless.

Could you reason with him? Maybe he was just waiting for you to grovel, apologize and take all the blame for the last months. You realized your decision to end the relationship hadn't been entirely fair, but you'd been in distress. Slipping into his bed has been the wrong thing to do but you could do it right this time.

You took half an hour to tidy yourself up, clean off the stress of the day and refresh your clothes. Looking in the mirror you added just a little bit more lipgloss before heading to the elevator. Finding yourself in front of his door you knocked, unsure if you'd even find him home.

"Did you really knock or did you realize I changed my code?" Jimin opened the door his body filling the space, his posture casual as if he couldn't care less that you were there.

"Could we speak a moment?" You'd softened every edge from your tone, wide eyes, rounded shoulders.

"About the apartment?" He raised a brow, his own tone more subdued.

"Please?" The first note of groveling seemed to pique his interest because he stepped back allowing you entrance.

"There's not much to say. I can't turn over the apartment right now. It's not personal." You followed him to the kitchen trying not to stare at his shoulders, the sharpness of his physique showing below his white shirt.

"It's personal to me that I'm able to move. I don't feel safe there and my nightmares have gotten worse. I feel like a fresh start could really help me." You swallowed hard the lump in your throat making the words wobble as they poured out.

Jimin stiffened turning to lean against the sink, the long expanse of the marble counter between you. You couldn't read him, what had been an open book to you now a dusty novel. His expression was bland and unchanged when he spoke again.

"The building is perfectly safe again, the people responsible for everything in jail and being prosecuted." He lifted a mug to his lips and sipped, outwardly as least he appeared completely unsympathetic to your request.

"You don't need the money, please Jimin, I'm sorry. I know I caused you pain and I wasn't fair but living there is just making me relive everything and I can't."

"What pain Y/N? You must really think our short time together was important, don't flatter yourself. Just another girl who will be a faceless memory someday."

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now