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YN: Come over for dinner tonight

Your finger hovered over the send button but you couldn't push it. Meeting with Sujin had helped clear up some of your misconceptions but your insecurities were still alive and well.

You walked to the window looking down at the street, this building didn't have a private entrance or mega security like his, he wouldn't be able to come anyway. You hit the button, did you just want him to turn you down so you could have another reason to be angry with him?

PJ: What time Angel?

Your heart fluttered awake in your chest at his almost instant response and you felt angry at yourself for doubting him. You'd known he was going to say yes, and it made you happy and sad all at once.

YN: Six, bring dinner

You could imagine his indulgent smile when he read your attempt at being sassy. You leaned against the window and waited for his response, why were you holding your breath?

PJ: Of course sweetheart, perfectly normal to invite someone to dinner and make them bring it

You sent him the address even though you were convinced he already had it. It was already after three, you decided to tidy up, Aiyun had left for a business trip that morning. You wouldn't even be able to run all your concerns through her first. You decided maybe it would be better to not think too much anyway.

Jimin showed up two minutes early and when you opened the door and saw him dozens of emotions filled your chest. He was like a drug that instantly got you high. He looked handsome in a black button down shirt, open at the throat, black pants hugging his wide thighs.

"Hi Jagi." You pulled him into the apartment by the sleeve and you saw surprise cross his face. You were surprised at your own reaction, you'd not planned this at all.

Jimin had clearly been ready for your anger, your coldness, and that realization hit you harshly. You'd always thought the worst of him every time you were presented with an issue, quick to accuse him or yell. From the moment he spoke to you at Eunwoo's engagement party you'd imagined he was some kind of monster preying on you.

"Hi Angel." He wrapped his free hand around your waist and nuzzled your cheek.

"Jimin I'm sorry." You pulled the bag of food from his hand and sat it on the console table.

"Did you change your mind about dinner?" Jimin frowned, concern crossing his features, like he had no clue why you were apologizing.

You swallowed back the tears you felt threaten at the back of your throat. If you cried he'd comfort you and he deserved the comfort. You pulled him to the couch, fingers curled around his delicate wrist and when you sat he lowered next to you.

"No, but I have some things I need to say right now." You stroked your fingers against his cheek and he tilted his head. You were going to do what Sujin suggested, talk to him with no expectation or exasperation.

"Can I kiss you hello first?" A small smile played in his dark eyes and when you nodded he leaned forward.

His lips were a tender brush against yours, his palm cupping your face. Jimin's lips were soft as they moved against yours making your whole body relax, tension leaving your shoulders.

"Hello." You breathed the word out as he pulled away.

"Hello sweetheart, I've missed you." You kissed the corner of his mouth and sat backward allowing some distance between your bodies.

"Jimin I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I've been unfair and a lot of it was just the trauma of what happened, but even before that I allowed Eunwoo to convince me to be skeptical of you. After I knew I was in love with you and how much I wanted to be with you, I still let her get into my head. I should have treated you so much better." You saw your words crossing his face, and he licked his bottom lip almost nervously.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now