Fifteen ♡

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Mine by Bazzi













Jimin added just a negligible amount of pressure against your body with his thigh, brushing your clit and you moaned. Normally you'd beg him to stop teasing you but the way each move of his body dragged pleasure from you was exquisite. You wanted to slow down and experience all the subtleties of Jimin's skills at reading your needs.

His head dipped kissing you again, his fingers running down your sides, thumbs grazing the roundness at the sides of your breasts. You could feel your heart beating heavy in your chest, the desire for him making you feel hot everywhere he touched.

"So gorgeous Angel." He breathed against your lips pulling back to smile at you, how did you ever survive being away from him?

Jimin laid next to you on the bed and turned his head, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes when he licked the corner of his mouth. His hands tugged you closer and you grinned back.

"Ride my face sweetheart." You felt his words so low, and moved to your knees enthusiastically.

You straddled his chest and he wrapped long arms around your ass guiding you forward with a slap against each cheek. You looked down at him, biting your lip when he kissed both of your inner thighs, a nip of teeth at the second. You wanted him so badly, you could almost feel yourself dripping.

"Just like that, mmm, I can't wait to taste you again." You sat back on your heels, your pussy lowering against his eager mouth.

"That's a lot of talking and not a lot of licking." You teased dragging your fingers into his hair.

You groaned when instead of licking he kissed against your folds, not just once, but repeatedly. Of course Jimin wasn't going to let you tell him what to do. Quick short kisses up one side of your lips and down the other, never making contact with your clit but sending ripples of pleasure into your belly. You arched backward, hands behind you at his hips, nails digging into flesh.

His mouth opened, like he would devour you, and then his tongue swirled upward then flattened dragging back down toward your opening. It felt so good you cried out, pressing against his tongue. He rewarded you by doing it again, scooping up all your wetness along his path.

"Fuck, more please Jagi."

Jimin had no intention on stopping, his forearms tightened on your legs and his licking turned to sucking. Lips that pulled at your folds, tongue dipping into your opening. One finger found your clit and brushed it upward shooting fireworks into your head, you keened crying his name between gritted teeth.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now