Seventeen ♡

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"Let's go to the bedroom Oppa," Sae purred against his ear, her breath curling around his lobe warmly.

Jimin felt a wave of hesitation but carried her down the hallway slowly. Her body felt different against his than yours did, carrying you had filled him with excitement, longing. Sae smelled clean as if she'd come from a shower, the residual soap scent clinging to her skin. If he'd just hugged you goodbye tonight would he have smelled the same on you? He breathed deeply lips against her neck, but it made him feel unsettled.

He could make himself want this, he'd forget everything about you between her legs. He could get drunk on her sighs, her noises, and not think about you at all. She didn't want to dig into his head make him relive all his worst moments like Irene used to do. Why couldn't you just let him tell you things were fine and believe him? The problem was you never wanted to take his word for anything.

Jimin reached the bedrooms and turned toward his, he'd take Sae there, prove that he could get over you. Forget the fact that no one else had ever laid in that bed with him. His teeth found the curve of her shoulder and she moaned legs squeezing him more tightly. He gripped her lower back more firmly, scooting her higher up his torso.

"No Oppa, let's go to my room, I want to play with toys." She giggled and he acquiesced turning into the playroom. He'd take her into his room another night, there would be more. "Now put me down so I can please you, Sir."

Her feet hit the floor as he lowered her his hands gliding down her thighs to cup her round ass. Saeron wasted no time backing him up toward the tall bed grinning flirtatiously. When Jimin was several feet into the room she knew she had one chance. With everything she had she shoved him, violently against the chest. He started stumbling but she didn't wait to see if he'd fall, she ran through the door and slammed it behind her, fingers fumbling to engage the lock as he screamed.

"Sae what are you doing?" His body collided with the door knocking the breath from him. He twisted the doorknob uselessly as he tried to free himself.

"You're a fucking idiot Jimin! I don't know what you did tonight but you're not going to make it worse by sleeping with me. Grow up!" Saeron glared at the door and then pounded it with her fist.

"Open the door right now!" Jimin was furious, grow up? Saeron was the one playing games, he banged against the door with his shoulder.

"No! Get your head together, you love Y/N and you're acting like an asshole." Sae screamed back through the door, Jimin still pounded against the door. It shook but didn't give at all.

"I'll call Joon and he'll come let me out, I have my fucking phone Saeron. This isn't cute, open the door." Jimin waited to hear the snick of the lock but all he heard was the soft retreating footsteps.

One thing was right, this was clearing his head, the thought that he might have actually done something with Saeron horrified him. He slumped to the floor, forehead hitting his knees. He was more than just a fucking idiot, but he wasn't really going to go through with it. Jimin heard soft footfalls returning and he stood, forehead pressed against the wood.

"Go ahead and call Joonie-oppa, but you better dial quick." Sae's voice held threat and he stood up straight.

"What did you do Saeron?" Jimin heard loud, harsh strides closing the distance down the hallway and he braced himself, unsure what was about to happen.

"What the fuck did you do to bunny?" Kookie voice was fiercely protective and Jimin stepped back just in time before a fist collided on the opposite side close to where his head had been.

"Koo this has nothing to do with you, Angel is fine, everything is alright." He groped downward until he found the lock on his side and snapped it into place.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now