Twenty Two

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Why did kissing Kookie make you feel like you didn't want to stop? You knew he'd meant it just to be a sweet quick brush of your lips, but it had turned into a full make out session. You'd lost track of how long he'd been kissing you his arms tucking you beneath his body as he pushed you back against the bed. Your lips felt bruised, but you were high on him.

When he pulled away a disappointed whimper slipped out, he laughed catching your lips again. His kisses moved down your jaw, against your neck, and the whimper they caused was entirely different.

"Needy little bunny." Kookie sighed the words the first real sound bouncing into the room. It should have snapped you out of this and created blaring sirens in your head.

His hands stayed in relatively safe places, avoiding your bra and panties, but you wanted them everywhere. This was so wrong, there it was, the guilt creeping in.

"Touch me Koo." Your fingers curled beneath his shirt, hard muscles of his back tightening beneath them. Who cared about guilt right now? You'd care about it later when he wasn't pressing you into the mattress with his heavy body.

"Don't ask me if I'm sure." You cut him off hearing him drawing breath inward to protest.

"I can't baby." Kookie lifted to his elbows looking down at you.

"Fuck Jimin!" You frowned but watched as a smirk turned his lips upward just slightly.

"Yeah, seriously, forget that asshole. But this is a violation of Joonie, and he didn't do anything wrong." Kookie captured your lips again and you felt the nip of his teeth against your bottom one then along your tongue before he moved back again.

"If you still want this to happen I'll talk to him and come back whenever you want." He sat up then pulling you with him until you were side by side where everything had started.

"That's not very sexy." You sighed the air was clearing and you were thinking again.

"Maybe not but consent is important bunny." He placed one final kiss behind your ear and stood.

"Wait, you don't have feelings for me do you?" Your eyes went wide, toying with his emotions was the last thing you wanted, your stomach plummeted.

"I could but I know you don't want that, and it's messy and I hate messy." Kookie laughed, a deep sound that calmed you. "You're my bunny, and I love you as a very good friend. A friend I want to hear scream my name sometimes." He winked and you felt it go low between your legs.

"You can't say that and leave." You pouted and mischief crossed his face.

"I'd text Joonie but I know he's standing right next to Jimin, and that's kinda fucked up no?" It was his turn to sigh.

"Do you have feelings for Sujin?" Why had you asked that?

"Who doesn't have feelings for Sujin?" Kookie adjusted his pants and you realized if this was hard for you it was definitely hard for him.

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm attracted to her." You blushed admitting it and distracted yourself tracing a line on your duvet.

"You are, come walk me out so I can kiss you goodbye." Kookie held his hand out to you, and you blushed for a different reason.

The distraction Kookie created actually lasted a while after he left. The anger it had helped you build in your chest against Jimin got you motivated enough to log into work. Four hours later you'd knocked out piles of paperwork and set up a slew of meetings for the following week.

AY: Is it safe to come home or have you and Jimin turned it into a den of sexual proclivities?

You winced reading Aiyun's text that had jarred you out of your concentration. She was going to feel really badly when you told her everything that had happened since you told her he was coming over.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now