Fifty Six

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"This is a terrible idea." Sujin grabbed your arm before you could leave the car, worry etched deeply into her features.

"Some crazy girl is running around out there that tried to kill me and almost killed Jimin. Who's next? Will it be Kookie or Aiyun? You? This has to end and Taemin knows who he sent to do it. He might not give a fuck that I die but he loves Jimin." You tried to reach for the handle of the door and she stopped you again.

"He used to love Jimin, we know that, but how he feels about him now no one is sure. He's in jail and Jimin didn't do a damn thing to stop it. He testified against Taemin, contradicted that he was with him at the time of your accident. There's the chance he could be just as pleased Jimin was the recipient of that glass than if it had been you."

You shook your head, you couldn't let her talk you out of it. With those videos out there everyone was in danger, either real physical peril or the risk of losing everything they'd built over the years.

"What can he do to me behind bars? Maybe we can convince them to let us see his visitors list or call log from the last weeks?"

"Look what they did to Jimin from behind bars. Y/N he would be so angry if he knew I was letting you do this, I shouldn't have agreed. We need to leave, I'll convince the Park's to let you spend time with him. Let's go." Sujin grasped your arm tightly, panic on her face, and you suddenly felt calm.

"I'll be okay, I can do this, if something happens to him and then the tapes get out his whole legacy would be ruined." Your stomach swam with acid thinking about Jimin dying, but protecting him, even if it was only his memory fueled you.

You leaned forward, gently prying her fingers away then kissed her lips softly. She'd been strong and supportive for months, it was your turn.

When you tried to pull away she dragged you back kissing you again. Before it could heat up, neither of you in the mood for that, she pressed her forehead to yours sighing.

"Don't do this we'll think of something else. Anything else, he's insane and you can't outsmart him."

"You can wait here, you probably should wait here, I don't want him angry with you. It's easier if he just blames me." It was easier to ignore her caution than hear it. You opened the car and headed toward the security office, not looking back, hoping she didn't follow.


Trigger warning - unwelcome touching, abuse

The warden wasn't pleased with your unscheduled visit but you appealed to him by pleading that speaking to Taemin was part of your therapy. You needed to confront him with what he'd done to continue moving on with your life. Couldn't he understand how powerless they had left you feeling? It would be a gift to take back your control.

He'd steepled his fingers glaring at you, probably wondering what weird therapy required you to be in the same room as the psycho who attempted to murder you. He finally dropped his hands in resignation and called one of his guards telling them to set up the lawyers meeting room for you.

Waiting in the room by yourself had you questioning your decision, making you fidget in the hard plastic chair that was bolted into the concrete floor. The room was too cold, the fluorescent lights buzzing overhead, making your head hurt. You weren't even sure what you were going to say, all that confidence draining away as the moments ticked by.

"I have to say I'm a little more than shocked to see you." Taemin slipped through the door where the guard nudged him forward before shutting it behind him. The lock clicked into place smoothly and practically soundlessly.

"Because I was supposed to be dead?" A lump rose in your throat seeing him, dark hair falling across his forehead.

He was still handsome even after all this time behind bars, but he disgusted you all at the same time. This gorgeous man who's heart was missing.

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