Sixty One

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When you arrived at Jimin's you hesitated your finger over the keypad glancing toward Joon's door. How many times had Kookie peeked from that doorway and encouraged you? How many times had he come to your rescue?

You rolled your shoulders, trying to shake off the unease. Joon hadn't seemed alarmed that you were going to see Saeron at Jimin's so why should you? The door opened before you could punch in the code, her gently smiling face appearing.

"I'm so glad you decided to come Y/N, I wasn't sure you would actually show up." She stepped from your way, her slender body making space for you to enter.

You thought seeing her would make you relax, confirmation you were actually talking to her, not a reporter. You should have felt confident when she said she could let herself in, but with the amount of people coming and going from apartments with and without permission nothing surprised you anymore.

"Of course, I said I would, but I'm not sure what there's really to tell you about Jimin." You swallowed back the caution you were still feeling, protective of him and BTS suddenly.

She was wandering to the kitchen, you noticed her purse sitting by the door next to a small tote bag, just glancing as you walked by you saw a stack of clothes and a small wooden jewelry box. Perhaps she was just stopping by to grab the final things from her time with Jimin like she'd said, shouldn't that please you? Even if Tae was back in the picture, at least Saeron was out of it?

"I made coffee, I'm sure he wouldn't mind us borrowing some." She perched on a stool at the counter, the pot of coffee on a hot plate between you.

Twin plain white porcelain cups were side by side with spoons on the marbled surface the milk and sugar set next to it. You chose the stool next to her, angling your body in her direction, she mirrored your posture doing the same.

"He's awake, I think that's really all I can say right now." You watched as she poured the dark liquid into the cup and immediately you decided you weren't going to even take a sip.

"Hoshi said it was terrible, watching that happen, I can't even imagine how you must have felt." Saeron's eyes looked sad, her fingers brushing the back of your hand as she slid the coffee toward you. Her touch felt nothing like Sujin's you didn't feel even a frisson of interest as her fingers pulled away.

You dribbled a bit of milk into the cup, stirring it with a spoon, going through the motions of making your coffee. You watched her pour her own, stealing the milk from your side of the counter, she used twice as much as you then leveled several spoons of the sugar into it before swirling it with her own spoon. The sound was so much like your mother's at the breakfast table only an hour ago.

"You never want to see someone you love like that. I was completely helpless, we all were, but I know he's receiving the best care, and all we can do is wait." Saeron nodded while you talked, sipping from her cup, the liquid shiny on her bottom lip when she returned it to the counter.

"I have to admit Y/N, I didn't bring you here just to ask about Jimin." Saeron winced looking away, eyes darting toward the window as she sighed. It made every nerve in your body clench all at once, you moved your cup farther from your body.

"Then what could you possibly want with me?" You held your breath waiting for her to look back, meet your eye, reveal anything about what she would say next.

"I was going to tell Jin and Tae when I stayed with them, I tried, but I didn't think they'd listen. They won't give me the chance to explain, and I need someone to just hear me out." You let the silence build when she stopped talking, her eyes finally meeting yours, they were red rimmed, as if she was moments from tears.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now