Forty Eight

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If you thought Sujin was going to speed through dinner and table conversation, you were wrong. She maintained the steady pace of the evening with charming resolve. You were simultaneously impressed and internally bubbling over inside with questions about her earlier implication.

You racked your brain while the guys talked about the awards they were nominated for at the upcoming show. You should have been interested since it was before your uncle's party, and the thing you'd worked on more than anything else the last four months. You tried to engage by asking them about other groups, but Sujin's gentle bump against your leg under the table let you know you weren't doing a very good job.

"Are you taking Jimin as your date to the party?" She teased you having caught you wordless in your own thoughts when Namjoon asked you about the menu.

"Of course not! Hybe would never allow it, funny enough my uncle jokingly suggested I find a BTS date." You stirred your chopsticks into your rice before taking a bite.

"I'm going to stick to her like glue, she won't be able to shake me even if I'm not her date." Jimin winked at you from across the table and you found yourself smiling ridiculously. He always made your heart beat so furiously in your chest.

"Will you be attending as Joon's plus one?" You inquired, determined to just forget about after dinner, it was going to arrive, you should at least try to enjoy the moments leading up to it.

"Actually I'm someone else's plus one." Sujin's flirty smile that lifted her pretty lips upward just slightly had you momentarily entranced.

"Oh? Who's that?" You felt a wave of something more than just curiosity. Was this the woman that entertained her while Joon was away playing with BTS?

"Adora." She answered easily but didn't expand on anything that could have answered your unasked questions.

"As in producer for Bighit? As in written and sang on tons of BTS tracks? She released her mini album in November right?" Having looked at the guest list so many times it was easy to pick her name off it from the top of your head.

"She's nominated for a break out solo artist award." Sujin looked brimming with pride, you counted to ten in your head to not turn your head and look at Joon to see if he was jealous.

"Yes, that's right I remember reading that. Have you known her a long time?" Sujin's grin let you know she wasn't going to tell you anything further, and when she smoothly changed the subject you felt the defeat.

"Will you be very busy all evening during the party or do you think you'll be able to give our poor Jiminie a little attention?"

"Shouldn't he be with BTS and minding the cameras?" You raised a brow at Jimin who smirked and kept eating refusing to commit to giving you space.

"I've heard it a very private event and that outside cameras aren't allowed." Joon commented quietly, and you wondered if it was aimed at Sujin for not being his date. You remembered she'd said he was never possessive, so you guessed you were probably projecting.

"You never know who will have their cell phone out, even if security will be asking people to put them away." You confirmed glancing at him finally, his face was relaxed, not a hint of anything on his handsome features.

"Who wants more wine or maybe coffee before we move back to the living room?"

Just like you'd arranged the table together the four of you made quick work of clearing it. With refreshed glasses of wine you returned to the very green living room, and like at the table Sujin maneuvered you to sit next to Joon on the couch while she secured the spot next to Jimin on the other. This time you were much more aware of the move, no longer believed it had been to stimulate conversation.

Jimin's Angel • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now