Why Don't You Do Right?

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A/N:// I realized way too late that I probably should've used their real name but I'm too lazy to go back and change it either way my attraction is to the characters so 🤷‍♀️ ENJOY THE FIRST 2 CHAPTERS!!!

"Hey guys, How was school?" I ask the two girls who come running towards me. "Were you good today?" they both shake their heads yes.

"Hi, I'm Miss Maximoff, Rose's teacher," A voice says from above as I help Morgan tie her shoes.

"Hi, I'm-" I finally pick up my eyes to see the gorgeous woman to who the voice belonged to, "I'm Y/N," I say softly.

"Are you their mom?" She asks.

"No, no, I just pick them up and take them over to their aftercare," I clarify, "I don't have a husband.... or a wife," I say just to let her know.

"Well, it's nice to meet you," She extends her hand for me to shake, "Y/N," She locks eyes with me to say.


"Hey Mister Stark," I greet the man at the door, "Morgan your dad's here," I call out and watch as she grabs her backpack and races to the door. "Bye, see you next week,"

"Wait so you flirted?" my coworker Carol asked me, while she passed out graham crackers for the kids to settle down.

"I think so, Is that unprofessional?"

"Not if she was as hot as you say she was," She laughs. I open the door to the other knock."What are you doing here?"

"Um.. picking up Rose?" The man says confused.

"I'm sorry, not you Mister Rogers. Please come in, she's just having a snack," I move aside so he can go past.

"There's a gig open at the Slash tonight, I tried to call but you never picked up," My roommate Kate says.

"I get off in 40 minutes, do you think you can run home and get me a change of clothes?" I move aside again to let Mister Rogers pass with Rose, "Bye Rosey, see you next week," I wave to the little blonde girl.

"Oh Y/N, We might need a sitter tomorrow night. Would you be interested?" Mister Rogers asks, turning back around before he got too far.

"Yeah of course, When do you need me?"

"From 8 to about 12, if it's not too late,"

"Not at all," I reassure him, "Great, can I get your number? I'll send you the address and let you know if we have a change of plans," He says, I write my number down on a piece of paper and wave goodbye.


The Slash was a gay club by night and a burger place by day. Drag queens served drinks and performed while people made out on the velvet couches, which is what made it so popular.

"Oh my god! Kate! I ripped it, holy shit I ripped it," I come out from behind the dressing curtains to show her the enormous rip on the back of the dress.

"Don't worry I brought back up," she lifted an ugly red dress with polka dot tulle on the bottom.

"Oh honey you can't wear that," a drag queen says from behind her after overhearing our conversation, "don't worry doll I have just the thing,"


"It's not too revealing?" I ask them as I look at the red sparkly slit dress in the mirror.

"Oh it definitely is, but you fill it in just right," The queen says lifting her faux boobs making me laugh. She rummages through her bag and lifts out a pair of purple silk gloves. "You would kill if you sang whatever Jessica Rabbit was in.. what was that movie?"

"Who framed Roger Rabbit?" I smile, she points and nods at me to confirm that I was right.

"You'll have to bring out your inner sexy and if you do that, you'll have all these little twinks going crazy," She shakes my shoulders. I give her a big hug, to thank her for all that she's done. I quickly regret it when I'm suffocated by her big rubber breast.


"You look a little young to be here," a woman says as she takes a seat next to me at the bar.

"What are you a cop?" I slur my words a bit from one of the many free drinks I was offered after my performance. Which I found myself being way too in character for, the whole club had cheered and congratulated me for it.

"No," she laughs, "I just wanted to say you were great out there," she compliments in an insanely attractive raspy voice. I looked up at the red-headed woman, she had a familiar face but one I'm sure I've never seen before; I would've definitely remembered. She was older, how much older I couldn't tell.

"Thank you," I cross my legs to reveal more skin as the slit in the dress falls to the side.

"This dress looks great," she compliments as she steps closer.

"I hope so, it was a challenge getting it on," I take the last sip of my drink and try to play hard to get. She places her hand high up on my thigh and rubs small circles with her thumb.

"Maybe I can help you take it off," She says, her eyes filled with lust. I take her hand in mine and toy with the ring on her finger.

"I don't fuck married women," I lean in closely to whisper and leave a small kiss on her cheek.

Her hand grabs onto my wrist and pulls me back as I try to walk away.

"Do you kiss them?" She asks, bringing me closer to her.

"Kiss me and find out," I say, the alcohol blurring my morals.

Our lips inch closer together I could smell the alcohol in our breaths mixing with her expensive perfume.

"Y/N," Kate screams catching my attention, I pull away before our lips could touch. She signals for me to go over.

"Now we know the answer to that question, maybe now your wife won't find out that you kiss strangers," I tease the woman.

"Trust me she wouldn't have," she winks and walks away. I bite my bottom lip as I watch her perfect figure disappear into the crowd.


"Hey, what's up?" I ask Kate.

"America blacked out," she points to the passed-out girl on the couch.

"Lightweight," I shake my head, "give me a couple of minutes I have to return this dress," I scream over the music.

I run backstage, change back into my regular clothes and finally spot the queen that lent them to me.

"Hey, I'm on my way out. Thanks for letting me use it,"

"No, no Rabbit, keep it. You've earned it and I hate to admit it but you look better in it than I do," she laughs.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes baby don't you worry about it," she waved me off.

"Thank you," I say for the last time. 

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