The DMV Guy

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"You're late," Wanda says watching as Rose and I creep into the classroom, her eyes glance down to the cup in the child's hand. "You went to Starbucks?"

"You have no idea how demanding rich kids are, I suggested we go get something quick for breakfast because we were already late, she suggested Starbucks. We get there and I thought she would want a cake pop.... She orders matcha, what kind of 4 year old likes matcha, I don't even like matcha," I complain to her in a whisper as the rest of her class sat and finished the worksheet quietly. The sound of her quiet giggle relaxes me a bit from the busy morning.

"Did you happen to bring me anything?"

"Can I give it to you out in the hall?" I whisper, leaning in closer.

She leads me out into the hall, gently pressing me to the wall. She smiles, knowing exactly what I called her out for.

The sweet smell of her vanilla perfume fills my nose as I near my lips closer to her. Finally, I get to taste her strawberry mint lips again but it was short-lived as a door opens in the hall ripping us away from each other, leaving me hungry for more.

"Next time I want an iced vanilla chai with oat milk," She winks and struts back into her classroom.


"Fuck, where is it," I mumble, lifting the cushion in search of my phone.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Miss Romanoff says emerging down the steps.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were home, I was just looking for my phone," I fix the cushions to the way they were and stand up.

"That one?" She points to the phone on the glass coffee table. I rub my forehead frustrated with myself and angrily pick it up.

"I'm so sorry for the intrusion," I avoid her eyes, being too embarrassed to even look at her.

"I actually wanted to talk to you for a minute," She walks in the direction of the study and I follow.

The room reminded me of a smaller version of the library in Beauty and the Beast, the live-action one. The wooden bookshelves reached the ceiling and the trinkets decorating the room were exclusively golden or glass.

She sits down on the brown leather couch, patting the seat next to her for me to sit. Her legs cross as she positions her body to face me, holding her head up with her hand and resting her elbow on the backrest.

"I've done my homework on you," She states.

"Have you?' I ask stupidly.

"You're taking care of my daughter, I wanted to make sure you're not some serial killer," She jokes. I let out a nervous giggle, even though I had nothing to hide I still worried about what she might've found. "You moved out at 18?" She asks. I nod to confirm. "why?"

"I wasn't being accepted where I was, so left for a place that did," I fidget with the rings on my fingers in fear of being too vulnerable.

"Where you found the DMV guy?" She jokes to lighten the mood.

"I never said they were the greatest influences," I laugh.

"Was your date a good influence the night you got arrested?" She asks playfully.

"One of the only good influences around me actually."

"So she's not going into clubs and cheating on her husband by kissing strangers?"

"I hope not, you think I should ask?" I smile when I hear her laughter, I liked that she was able to make fun of herself.

"Do you ever think about that night Y/N?"

"Out of respect, I try not to,"

"What do you think about when you do?" She quirks her eyebrow. I take time to think of a nonsexual thing to say.

"You said you had a wife," I finally come up.

"No, I didn't, I said my wife wouldn't have found out... because I don't have one," Her laugh was just as elegant and beautiful as she was. Her smile was infectious and bright, I couldn't help but grin when I looked at her. Her features were sharp, making her look intimidatingly good, sexy.

"Do you always go for older women?" She asks, rubbing her hand slowly up and down my thigh.

"Only when they're as beautiful as you," I unintentionally flirt, but her beauty distracts me from how wrong it was.

"I should get back to work," she says, removing her hand from my thigh.

"Of course," I stand up with her, "sorry again for the intrusion."

"No, you're welcome anytime," she smiles, walking me to the front door.

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