The Peter Project

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"It was just your first audition Y/N, there will be plenty of others especially if they called just to reject you. They usually just send letters," Brian tries to comfort me over the phone, I had been too embarrassed to admit that I hadn't gotten it to him because I knew he was just excited as I was.

"I would've preferred the letter, I broke my phone when they told me who had gotten it," I say trying not to rile myself up again.

"Emma fucking Stone," Even if I couldn't see him I knew he shook his head while he said it. "I have to go I have to check on the kitchen staff, I'll see you later?" He asks.

"Of course," I say, "I wouldn't want to miss your first drag show." Brian had been so busy running the place that he barely had time for dressing up. Even when he was, he had always chosen to just be the MC, but this time we will finally be able to see him perform.

I'd had to put both Morgan and Rose to bed tonight, they were having a sleepover because their parents would be out late celebrating something... I wasn't quite paying attention thinking more about how I lost a role to fucking Emma Stone.

I waited in the study for them to come back, it had become my favorite room in the house because of the good selection of books they had. I liked to just sit and read them.

The door opens to an unfamiliar face, he stood there for a while with his mouth slightly open just staring at me.

"Hi... um, should I call the police or?" I say calmly, I just didn't sense any danger from him. He was dressed in a nice but cool sweater and wore a dark pair of jeans.

"No, No," He panics, "I'm Peter, Peter Parker, Pepper and Tony's son."

"Oh right," I say remembering that they were out specifically for his visit from school, "I'm Y/N, I'm Rose's babysitter."

Peter, I thought to myself, what a perfect boy with the perfect name to fall into my lap. Maybe the plan I was devising in my head was completely irresponsible of me as a friend but I needed Brian to think that I wasn't lying even if I did put an end to that whole mess.

"Nice to meet you," He puts his hand in his pockets nervously and steps all the way in, "What are you reading?"

"Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre," I pick up the book to show him the cover.

"Words are loaded pistols," He quotes and sits next to me.

"I know him more for 'hell is other people" I laugh and turn my body to face him.

"Are you into philosophy?" He asked, mirroring my movements.

"Just existentialism, Sartre thought that no general, non-formal account of what it means to be human can be given since that meaning is decided in and through existing itself. I just think its an interesting perspective, you know, as opposed to that of any religion," I explain, he smiles widely and just stares. "What?" I laugh.

"Nothing you're just... smart."

"Peter, where are you?" Mister Stark says from the hall. Peter clears his throat.

"I'm in here," He shouts back. Mister Stark opens the door and smirks at us.

"What's going on here?" he quirks his eyebrow accusingly.

"We were talking about existentialism," I laugh. Pepper comes up from behind him and peers in and gives us the same look.

"Honey look Peter's found someone to talk about his nerd stuff with," He jokes.

"Dad!" Peter signals him to stop.

"You know Y/N, Peter's visiting from MIT," Pepper says like she was selling him.

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