The Call

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"Hello, May I speak with Miss Y/N Sterling?" The woman says from the other line.

"This is she," I respond, it was a California number and I was excited that it may be about my audition.

"This is Roman Bloomberg, the casting director for La La Land. How are you?"

"I'm perfect, and yourself?" I respond, jumping up from my seat with excitement for her next words.

"You gave us an amazing audition Y/N," she says impressed, "but I'm afraid we have decided to go in another direction."

My body felt like a deflating balloon as I lowered back slowly onto my seat.

"I do not want you to be discouraged though, I wish you the best in your career," she says after quite a long silence.

"May I ask who did get the role?" I wanted to know who could have possibly been better than me. She took a couple of seconds to respond.

"Emma Stone will be playing the part of-"

"Fucking Emma Stone," I growl, angrily hurling the phone across the room and breaking a vase in the process. Maybe it was a long shot for me to get the role but Emma Stone? Did she even sing? It didn't even matter if she could because she is Emma Fucking Stone.

At what was very unfortunate timing, Natasha opens the door and caught a glimpse of my outburst.

"I'm sorry I'll pay for that," I say pacing up and down the room.

"What did Emma Stone do to you?" She laughs, as she assesses the damaged vase.

"Just... very passionate about films," I lie and hurry to grab my things so I could leave.

"I think I owe you a thank you," Natasha says as I pull on my shoes, "Steve's mother gifted this to us, I always did find it quite hideous and didn't know how to get rid of it."

"Will he be angry at me?" I stop, being genuinely concerned about the item now.

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell him I bumped into it," She shrugs and begins to pick up the pieces. I pick up the decorative wooden bowl from the middle of the coffee table and help her gather the pieces inside.

We reach for the same piece and our hands brush against each other. It was the first form of touch we've had in weeks. Everything seemed to change with her, there were no flirty glances, 'accidental' touches, or even any teasing sexual comments.

Our conversations were kept about Rose and her schedule. When I would ask her about work she didn't light up like she once did to tell me about a new case, she just simply replied 'same as always'.

She pulls her hand back and clears her throat.

"Thank you," she says, as she stands up with the bowl and walks toward the kitchen to discard of it. I was about to follow behind her, desperate for any other form of conversation but we were finally moving on.

"Goodnight Miss Romanoff," I say, waving goodbye. She froze for a moment before lifting her head to look at me. I could see by her expression that she knew what I meant by calling her that again.

"Goodnight Y/N," She replies softly. 

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