California Dreaming

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I had been awake for hours but hadn't felt the energy to even open my eyes.

The sound of the crashing waves fifty feet below made me feel the peace that I hadn't had the luxury of indulging in for months.

Every day got a little bit easier but some days the big concrete mansion felt as cold as the salty water crashing against the rocks down below.

Celia was shooting a movie in Norway but called every day to make sure I was okay. Most of the time I didn't feel like talking and let her calls go to voicemail. She always left one and hours later I was grateful to hear her voice speak words of encouragement.

Once my back started to hurt from laying down too much, I got up and made my way down the marble floors.

The sand that I had trailed indoors the night before stuck to my feet as I made my way to the kitchen for breakfast.

I sighed when I realized everything had to be cooked or prepared and grabbed an apple instead.

The beach was empty, it was getting into the colder months in California but 60-70 weather was still summer in New York.

I looked up from my book to the water and remembered just how long we both had stayed standing there, the water sinking us further into the sand as he told me just how much grandma would enjoy the view.

I used to cry at those memories but now they make me smile.

"Y/N!" Someone calls from way up in the house. In his arms was the beautiful daughter that had grown up too much, too fast.

I wave and make my way back up the steep stairs to them.

"We brought you breakfast," the little girl says proudly.

"Did you now? Well I can't eat it all myself, will you join me?" I say lifting her up in my arms and carrying her back in through the glass doors.

We all sat down at the table and eat, or in my case, poked the food around the plate. My eyes kept going back to the waves, that with every crashing brought back the best of memories.

"Ally honey, why down you go down to the beach with daddy and look for some more seashells?" Brian says once they were all finished eating.

She gladly jumped up and put on her sandals to go.

"The lawyer called again," he says once the door shut, he waited for my reaction, "she says we have to go down to her office and sign some things when we have time."

"Why doesn't she just send them by email like she has this entire time?" I ask.

"These need to be signed in person, it's part of the process," he shrugs.

"Well, whatever she says, right?" I sigh. Brian had taken over the communication with the wills and estate attorney for both of us. Neither of us were really in the right mindset to deal with lawyers but he always looked out for me, he always put me first, and sometimes I felt a bit guilty for it.

"I must warn you that sh-"

"I've dealt with lawyers before Brian," I laugh, " I can handle it, don't worry," I smile.

"No I mean I should tell you that-"

"Brian," I stop him, "I'd rather deal with it when I get there." I wanted to keep the conversation as far away as that as possible.


I slept the entire plane ride to New York, which was a miracle according to Brian and David because of Alya's crying.

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