Ellis & Cromwell LLP

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"One of the partners will be joining us today," The paralegal said after greeting us. "They want to give their condolences."

I knew that was probably code for 'They want to meet you' but I couldn't find the headspace to care.

"Good morning," Natasha says to the room as she walks in with a handful of papers, "Today we'll just hand over ownership of each of his estates, 3 if not mistaken."

Brian and I nod. We had already agreed that we would sell 2 of them and keep his oldest house, the one where we have the most memories, and keep it in the family.

"What did my mother get?" I ask the question that has been hanging over my head since I had seen her again.

"I cannot discuss that with you but my meetings with her were short," She said, insinuating that she got less.

The meeting was long and involved a lot of reading, I was already yawning.

"I'm sorry, I have to take this," Brian says, "Alya," he whispers to me.

"Guess it's a good time for a bathroom break," The paralegal says, leaving me and Natasha alone.

I looked at my phone, desperate for Celia to call me, Wanda to text me, or even Wren to scream at me.

"I should apologize," She breaks the silence, "for the other day."

"I think that actually, I should," I say trying to steady my breath. "It was presumptuous of me to think that I would be welcomed back with open arms, I was terrible to you and I want you to know I didn't mean any of it. I was just....." I couldn't find the word I was looking for.


I nod.

"How is Miss Maximoff? I haven't seen her since Rose switched schools. I'm glad to see you both have kept in touch," Her voice sounded insincere, maybe with a glint of jealousy.

"We reconnected a couple of months ago actually, we hadn't spoken till then," I clarified. She hummed and kept her eyes down at the papers she was straightening out.

"Natasha I want you to know that I lo-"

"Riley tell my Wife that I'll be home late, I have to catch up on the Redder's case," A woman says on the telephone just before hanging up, I looked away from them hiding my face of embarrassment for even thinking that confessing would make a difference, "Morning Tasha, I hear you're in charge of a very special client," She says.

I whip my head at the familiar voice. She cocks her head back seemingly a bit surprised as well but she hid it better than I did.

ELLIS and Cromwell, of course it would be the law firm partner Carter Ellis that I run into at a coffee shop.

We shook hands and she gave her condolences as if we had never seen each other and then turned her attention to Brian as he walked in, treating him no different.

"Well, I should let you get back to it," She said, putting her hand on Nat's shoulder. "Nice to meet you both," She waves as she walks out. I couldn't help but look down at her ass as she strutted away, it might've been a mistake to sleep with her but that didn't make her any less sexy.

What is up with me and married women?

My gaze landed on Natasha, her face had hardened, as it used to when I would mention Wanda in the slightest of ways.

For the rest of the meeting, I could feel the chill of her cold presence. She rarely looked up, She spoke almost monotone and whenever I asked a question, I could've sworn she rolled her eyes.

Brian and I had signed the necessary documents and it was time to go, she reached for Brian's hand and gave him a warm smile but completely ignored my presence. Her Paralegal quietly apologized to me, making the excuse that she was simply tired but i knew better than to believe that.

"I'm going to use the bathroom before we go," I tell Brian, he nods and decides to wait for me in the car.

I took the path the receptionist had pointed to me and before I was even close a soft hand pulled me into an empty room.

"A celebrity?" She said, a smirk on her face. "I guess that explains the on-the-road NDA." She steps closer.

"You're married," I remind her, it seemed like she needed it.

"And you have a girlfriend," She reminds me, she must've done some research once she stepped out. I genuinely needed that reminder though. Maybe privately Celia and I weren't together anymore but publicly we had to be. I owed her at least the respect of not sleeping around.

"That's different."

"Because it's staged?" She asked so casually as she fiddled with the waistband of my pants. She must've seen the worry on my face, "Those NDAs are still valid Darling."

"Yes, because it's staged," I admit for the first time out loud.

"Then let's keep having fun," She said against my neck, her warm breath tickling my skin.

"But your wife," I say, trying to keep myself level-headed as my lust builds up.

"He can join us too if that's what you're worried about," She jokes with a sexy smirk on her face.

I stared at her unsure of what to do next but she decided for me by pressing her lips against mine again.

I thought about how upset Natasha would be if she found out, she was already upset and the only thing she had was an assumption.

Who was she to be upset with me though? She was the one who was married. The one who initiated our relationship, there was no way I could've stayed with her then.

My shirt was already buttoned down just enough for her to kiss my breast freely. My hands were reaching for her ass to pull us back together. I wondered if we had locked the door, maybe a small part of me wished someone would walk in to stop us. Hoping Brian would get suspicious and come back looking for me. Hoping that Natasha would come in and slap me across the face and bring me back to my senses.




"I love you" her voice said.

I sat back up quickly just before she could get to my underwear.

"What is it?" Carter asked, seeing the true horror on my face.

What good would it do me to sleep with another married woman? none at all.

"I can't do this," I say quietly. "I'm sorry," I get up and pull my pants back on and button the rest of my shirt as she too straightens herself out.

I was grateful that she was understanding, she didn't ask why she simply said, "Okay, that's fine." and smiled.

"Can I call you to take care of my will?" I joke as we walk out of the room. She laughs a wonderful elegant laugh.

"No," Her smile falls flat but a small pull of her lips tells me it was a counter joke.

"Carrie, I need you to-" Natasha walks over to us pausing once she lifts her eyes from the papers in her hand. "sign these," She finishes her sentence a lot softer than it started.

Carter signs them without missing a beat.

"It was nice to meet you, Miss Sterling," She smiles and winks at me as she makes her way back to her office.

I was afraid to look back at Natasha, I knew there wasn't any way to explain this. I knew that now I certainly had no chance to reconnect with her.

"Maybe you should wipe that lipstick off of your face before someone questions it," She says, walking away before even finishing her sentence.

"Wait Nat, please-"

"Y/N!" Brian screams angrily down that hall. "I've been waiting for 20 minutes, will you hurry up," He yells.

Natasha was out of sight by then, unlike the rest of the employees she was not turning her head to see what all the commotion was about.

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