I'm Sorry

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A/N: can we ignore that last chapter I posted it was so bad I am so sorry. I think this is way better and fits in more, please don't be mad at me. Not a lot changed but I just feel like this flows more and the characters are maybe more themselves.

"Where are you going?" A voice startled me from the elevator as I was trying to sneak out. 

"Im going out," I say to David in a whisper.

"Out where? It's late," he whispers back.

"Just... out"

"Why are we whispering?"

"Brian is already mad at me, he can't know."

"I'll cover for you, who are you taking?"

"Im driving myself, the driver has the night off."

"I can't let you go alone," He says, still in a whisper, "Give me a second, ill meet you in the car." He says pressing the elevator button for me as he goes into their room.

I do as he says, thankfully avoiding any guest on my way to the garage, and not long after David hops into the driver's seat.

"Alright, where are we going? Mcdonalds? Im kind of in the mood for chicken," He says strapping himself in.

"After, I just need you to drive me somewhere first," I type in the address on the GPS. He was kind enough not to question it until he noticed how familiar the street was.

"No, No, Y/N im turning around. Brian specifically said you couldn't come back here," David stressed.

"Oh come on, you're going to do everything he tells you now?" I tease, pulling my hoodie on in case the neighbors were watching.

"Yes, because he is my husband."

I reach back for the flowers I had gotten the hotel to order for me. It was a lavender bouquet with white roses.

"What the hell, I thought you had just gotten new perfume," He says as the fresh smell got more potent the closer it got. "When did you have time to get those?"

"I'm Y/N Star," I reply with a smile and open the door to get out.

"Stop. I'm being serious, get back in the car," He says, slowly driving the car beside me.

"No," I say with a mocking smile.

The lights were still on downstairs, thankfully. I knocked on the door instead of ringing just in case Rose was already sleeping. It was still early night but one never knows.

"Can you please stop doing this to me?" He whisper screamed as he stopped and parked the car.

"This is fun," I reassure him, as the door opens.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" She asks and quickly shuts the door to avoid looking inside. She held a glass of wine in her hand which told me that maybe she had a guest but I had no patience to have my apology wait another day.

"I'm back in town," I state the obvious, "And I want to catch up with you when I'm not drunk."

"It really isn't a good time right now," She whispers.

"There will never be a good time to say what I want to you, please let me say it tonight."

She ponders her decision for a bit, looking behind the door towards the kitchen. She sighs and pulls the door open wider for me to step in.

"Dave," I put my hand out to stop him from coming in, "can you wait for me in the car?"

"I'll be at the door," He sighs and rolls his eyes.

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