Break up

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Brian's POV:

"Okay I need that box to go up on stage right now for Y/N's rehearsal," I urge the new stagehand.

I turned to look at him when he didn't move, I followed his line of sight and saw that he was staring at Jolene. I nudge him on the side to bring him back to reality.

"You shouldn't go for that one," I whisper to him.

"Why not?" he asks in a rich British accent.

"She's dating our star," I explain.

"She doesn't seem like a very nice person," He comments. I noticed that Y/N had been colder but came to the conclusion that it was because of the constant bickering with Wanda. It was always about small things like whether they locked the door before leaving home or whether they should order pizza or Chinese. It didn't seem like they wanted to leave each other alone though since they still spent a lot of time together.

"I wouldn't talk badly about her around me or anyone in this place," I warn. Y/N was my sister, she had given me a sense of family, even before bringing me into the relationship she had with her grandfather, and I was going to protect her no matter how small the threat was.

"I didn't mean to- I just meant-"

"I don't care what you meant, watch your mouth and do your job," I point to the stage, he picks up the heavy box and walks it up. "Okay put a mic on her and let's start," I instruct the crew while walking over to Wanda and sitting next to her.

I catch the new guy staring at her again, he catches my glare and quickly turns back to what he was doing.

"What's going on with you two?" I ask. She sighs loudly clearly showing her frustration.

"She's punishing me," She scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"What is that some fifty shades shit?" I ask, her answer would decide whether this conversation continued or not.

"No," she laughs, it took a moment for her to speak again, "she kept coming home with red lipstick on her wrist and then on her neck and lips. I confronted her about it which is when she called you and- I felt so stupid," She interrupts her own sentence.

I blinked my eyes in confusion, I had only given Y/N the red lipstick that day. Kate told me that she slept around before, which is why I warned Y/N not to. Now I had to figure out if she was making an even bigger mistake by sleeping with a married woman.

"When would she have the time to cheat, with rehearsals and.. Work?" I ask with a laugh so she wouldn't pick up on the real intentions behind the question. She sighs.

"Yeah, they have been needing her a lot more lately, and with the Valentin-"

A loud bang interrupts her sentence followed by a shriek from Y/N. We both jumped up to see what happened.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," The new guy panicked. Everyone jumped to her aid and threw daggers at him with their stares, you would think he killed their dog or something, but that's just how protective everyone was of her.

"What happened?" I yelled, seeing that she was on the ground rubbing her head.

"This idiot dropped a light on my head," She yelled back. Wanda ran to see if she was okay. Again his eyes followed her like he was in some sort of trance. Y/N noticed this too and her face changed slightly for a moment wanting nothing but vengeance. Once Wanda kneeled next to her, her eyes changed again, this time showing a more innocent expression, like a child after getting hurt.

"Baby are you okay?" Wanda panics.

"My head hurts," She whines. I slightly laugh, God those improv classes really paid off.

"They're getting ice, do you want something else?" Wanda asks softly, smoothing her hair back. Y/N sits up and kisses her for an uncomfortably long time. They finally pull back from the kiss to hug, Y/N looks at the new guy with a dark intimidating look.

"What's your name?" The stage director asks him.


"Well, Vision, go up the lighting booth. You'll be more helpful there and hopefully won't kill anybody," They say condescendingly.


"And the Academy Award goes to," I enter her dressing room clapping my hands. She laid down on the couch with an ice pack on her head.

"What are you talking about? My head really hurts," She whines.

"Oh stop it, save that for the casting directors," I scoff, she instantly sits up.

"I know you saw how he was looking at her, I had to let him know that she was mine."

I ignore her comment and walk to her vanity and pick up the lipstick I gave her for the show.

"How's Miss Romanoff?" I ask twisting the red makeup all the way. She was clearly taken aback by the question.

"Wanda told you about the lipstick?" She asked, I hum. "I can explain."

"Well go on then," I sit across from her. She looked toward the doors to make sure it was closed.

"She got drunk, we were supposed to meet for lunch which is why I went over to check on her. When I got there she kept coming onto me, I knew she was too drunk so I helped her to bed and she kissed me. I promise it was nothing more than that."

"So you gaslight her instead of explaining that?"

"I couldn't tell her that, she would act all weird around her if I did and I didn't want that. I flirted with a barista once for a free drink because we both forgot our wallets in the car and she doesn't even like me driving on that street anymore."

I could see that she meant it, but I was still mad at her and just got up and left, Wanda coming in directly after me.

Y/N Pov:

"I made you a tea," Wanda comes in looking down at the cup, careful for it not to spill, and sets it down at the vanity. "What's wrong?" her face softens when she turns to look at me.

"I need to tell you something," I sit ready to confess my lie and tell her about Miss Romanoff. She looked worried as she sat down.

"What is it?" She asked taking ahold of my hand.

"I-mm" I can't do it, "I have an audition in LA for La La Land. It was Brians's Christmas gift to me," I smile. I watch as her smile slowly fades into anger, definitely not what I was expecting.

"You've known since Christmas?" She rips her hands away. "Why didn't you fucking tell me?"

"I wanted to be sure I got the role before I told you but I just couldn't keep it from you anymo-"

"Were you planning on breaking up with me before you left? I bet the bitches in LA would appreciate that" Wanda spits out. I jerk my head back having not expected that reaction.

"Why are you mad? I just explained to you the reason and who said anything about breaking up with you?"

"Go on your fucking trip and fuck anyone you want, you don't have to worry about me anymore," She screams and makes her way to the door.

"Wanda, wait n-"

"Don't follow me," She says and slams the door. Did she just break up with me?

Tears threatened to come out of my eyes but sadness quickly turned into anger when my phone wouldn't stop ringing loudly.

"What?" I answer it without looking at who was calling. It was quiet for a couple of seconds.

"Excuse me?" Miss Romanoff says, I mentally groan.

"I-I'm really sorry, um what did you need Miss Romanoff?"

"Rose is going on a trip with her dad and I know this isn't your job but I need your help to get her packed, I hope it isn't any trouble."

"Um no, it isn't, I'll be right there." I hang up and steady my breath a bit before leaving. 

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