Christmas Cheer

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A/N: I can't wait a month to see MoM I need to see it now, right now!!!

"Merry Christmas Grandpa," I answer the FaceTime call. He always called on Christmas to make sure I was doing well.

"Hi my darlings, Merry Christmas," he greets Brian and me, as he too was in the frame. "Did you both get your presents?"

"I loved it gramps, thank you," Brian says lifting his foot to show him he was wearing the pair of leather boots he was gifted. I told my grandpa he wanted a pair but could never find his size, so he tracked down a pair and had them sent from France.

"Glad you liked it dear, what are you guys doing?" He asks.

"We're making cookies," I lift up the tray to show him our little gingerbread men. Brian lifts up the sprinkles and frosting.

"Don't you eat them all, bring me some on your next trip," he laughs.

"We'll try to contain ourselves," Brian jokes.

"Alright you two, I'm so glad you guys are together today. I have to go, I love you both."

"Love you," we say in unison. He ends the call and Brian plays the lively Christmas music again.

"Can we open the gifts now?" I whine, running towards the tree and plopping down next to the neatly wrapped boxes. He had only allowed us to open grandpas gifts since he knew we had a scheduled call.

"Not before the cookies," he says firmly putting the first batch into the oven. "Miss Romanoff is texting you," he states but it sounded more like a question.

"Oh, yeah. Rose is so happy to be in Italy, she insists on having her picture taken with her bunny," I open the messages and show him the pictures. He melts at the little girl's cute little poses but that face quickly turns into confusion.

"Don't crop yourself out I want to see the whole picture' sad face emoji," he reads my message to her out loud.

"Nosy bitch," I laugh but he doesn't.

"Y/N," he says accusingly, "I love you so much and I don't want you to get hurt or hurt anybody because I know you are far greater than that."

"What are you talking about?"

"Everyone knows that the women in this town are cheaters, everyone except their husbands that is. And knowing the history you two have I just don't thin-"

"I am in love with Wanda, Brian. Miss Romanoff and I talked about it and we decided to leave the past in the past, we've just become close is all." I interrupt him to explain.

"Alright," he smiles. Almost on cue, my phone starts to ring, a wave of confusion rushes over me considering it was such a weird time for them to call me.

"Mister Rogers?" I answer the FaceTime. It was dark and the only light was coming in from small blinds. Screaming and crying could be heard in the background.

"Y/N, Im sorry to call but I don't know what to do," he panics.

"Are you okay is everyone okay?"

"Physically yes, mentally.... I'm hiding in a closet," he says peeking through the spaces. "Rose hasn't stopped crying, and Natasha went out with my parents. what do I do?"

"Have you asked her what's wrong?" I ask.

He looked stunned, the answer was so obvious yet he had failed to think of it.

"Can you see if she'll talk to me?" I ask. He opens the doors of the closet and calls out for her. The cries slowly get louder as he approaches her.

"Honey Y/N wants to talk to you," he coos. The cries quiet down and she sniffles.

"Hi Rosey, what's wrong sweet girl?"

"I-I left my bunny in the car a-and daddy won't let me get it," she heaved. Mister Rogers soon understood and picked her up to take her out to get it, her smile instantly brightened up when it was in her arms again.

It made me happy how much she liked it, also a bit worried.

She skips back into the house, but all I could see is the shaking from the ceiling above. She lays out all the presents she got and shows them to me.

"Who are you talking to?" A sweet raspy voice asks. The girl welcomes her mother back with a hug.

"I'm talking to Y/N," She says finally answering the question.

"Oh really," Miss Romanoff says incredulously, "Should we tell her how much we miss her and how we can't wait to see her again," she says, scooping the girl up into her arms.

"Awe I really miss you too," I tease, knowing. She probably thought Rose was playing around with the phone.

She releases a loud sigh and mumbles 'of course'. She takes the phone out of the girl's hand and stretches it out so I could see both of them. It seemed like Italy did her well, she was glowing.

"Merry Christmas," I smile.

"Merry Christmas Y/N," she says softly.

"Presents!" Brian screams from the living room.

"I have to go, I'll see you when you get back. Have fun," I hang up the call and run towards the presents.

I pick up the smallest one for me and Brian snatches it away.

"This one last," he says.

We open all of the presents, crying at some of them as they couldn't have been more perfect. The day had been perfect. It was what I imagined Christmas would feel like when I was younger. Filled with joy and happiness not overbearing mothers and whispering aunts.

"Okay last one," he holds out the small rectangular box.

"It's not a snake is it," I joke.

"Just open it," he urges playfully.

I slowly and dramatically unwrap the box and uncover it even slower, just for the drama of it. Brian found it very amusing.

"Plane tickets?" I smile wide, seeing that the destination was marked to LA on both tickets. "Are you taking me to Disneyland?" We had talked about going on vacation there for a couple of months and I quickly mentioned how I've always wanted to go.

"We can if you want but look at what else is in the box," he points.

A neatly sealed white envelope was inside, I rip it open.

"Dear Miss Y/N, we have reviewed your audition tape?" I read out loud, at this point my heart was beating out of my chest, "and have decided to consider you for the role of Mia in La La Land," I couldn't see any more of the words as the tears in my eyes blur my vision. "You finish it," I pass the letter off to him.

"You will be required to come to LA and do an in-person audition, we look forward to seeing you and wish you all the luck," He reads.

"How did they even-" I couldn't finish my sentence from the excitement.

"I gave your improv teacher the script and had her video you as you rehearsed it," he laughs through his tears. I jump to hug him tightly, wanting him to feel all the love and appreciation I have for him.

"We're going to be famous," I laugh. "I love you so much Brian, I love you," I repeat, pulling him back into another tight hug. 

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