Wink Wink

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I shuffled uncomfortably as I waited for school to be let out, I felt the stares of the people around me. Every time I turned to look at them they turned away, making the whole experience even more awkward.

I look down at my watch and dreaded the 5 minutes that remained. I tried to listen in on the hushed conversation but could only pick up a couple of words.

'... cant believe...kissed... friend's... do you think she-... take her,' I couldn't really decipher any context from what I got.

"Hey darling," Pepper approached, wrapping her arm around my waist. I did the same to her hoping it would bring me a feeling of protection.

"What's up with the moms?" I ask, trying to understand why they were much more chatty than usual. She smiles wide and shrugs her shoulders.

Finally, the bell rings and the kids come spilling out of the doors, filling the streets with chatter. I wave to Wanda when I see her coming out.

I could tell that she too noticed the stares as she approaches, her eyes scanning the whispering mothers.

"What's going on?" she furrows her brows but smiles anyway.

"You noticed too?" I say looking around to make sure I wasn't just imagining things.

"Hi Miss Maximoff," a mother said to her in a slightly seductive way.

"Good afternoon Miss Sanders," Wanda smiles in a friendly way.

"Please, just call me Melissa," The woman winks, I glare at her as she walks away.

"That was weird," I see Wanda mouth. "I'll be back with Morgan," She excuses herself but not before giving me a hug.

"Don't you notice it?" I ask Pepper who doesn't seem to be bothered by all the eyes.

"I don't know what you mean," She says looking ahead. a small smile forms on her lips, I could tell it was unintentional by the way she instantly stopped. Her hand drops from my waist as she goes down to greet Morgan.

"Pepper," Miss Romanoff approaches us. I instantly get confused by her presence, she clearly told me I picked Rose up today.

"Don't talk to me I'm mad at you," Pepper responds lightheartedly, with a smile.

"Come on baby, I fell asleep." She laughs, " did you at least have fun without me?"

"Some more than others," Pepper looks at me and winks. What was up with these women today?

From the corner of my eye, I could see Miss Romanoff looking around.

"Why is everyone staring?" She asks lowly.

"Y/N, Isn't it?" A tall elegant brunette approaches.


"I'm Caleb's mom, I was wondering if you were free Saturday night," She smiles brightly, showing off her perfect teeth. I remembered how Carol would blush talking about her and now that I had a chance to look at her, I understood why.

"I might be, do you need a sitter?"

"Something like that," her voice drops an octave. She picks up my hands and strokes it, "what do you say?"

"She's busy," Miss Romanoff says, pulling me back by my shirt. The woman rolls her eyes and walks away.

"What was that for?" I complain, it's not like I needed the money but having extra money was nice.

"She's very possessive," Pepper stands behind me and rests her hands on my hips, her hands slowly wrapping around my waist, scrunching up the front of my shirt from the pressure she applies to my skin. I welcome her touch by resting my hands on hers.

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