My Favorite Girl

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A/N: Posting a couple of chapters for my bestie @ DeadAt2am

Brian was like a brother to me. He called me that night to schedule our weekly lunch but he could sense that something was wrong and picked me up. We cried together, bonding from the pain of the past. 

Brian was worried that I'd have to be alone while he went to work, so he called Wanda to keep me company.

"You didn't have to call off of work today, I'm fine," I squeeze Wanda tighter into our snuggle.

"I just wanted to make sure my favorite girl was okay," she lifts her head and pecks my lips.

"Your favorite girl? Are you saying you have other girls?" I sit up acting offended, she laughs and pushes me back to lay down, pinning me with her body.

"You. are. my. only. Girl," She says planting a kiss on my face after every word.

I turn us around so that I'm on top. Her smile slowly fades into a darker look and her hands flatten on my back, slowly pulling me closer to her.

"I'm ready, I want you Y/N. All of you," Wanda's legs open wider, giving me space to settle between them.

I crash my lips into hers deepening the kiss with every hum she lets out. I disconnect our mouths, switching my position to straddle her. My hands slowly move up her waist taking in every inch of her perfect body ultimately stopping to cup her breast. Wanda releases a whine as her hips push up into me, begging for me to touch her wetness.

"You made me wait so long for it darling, I'm going to take my time with you," I moan in her ear, sounds come spilling out of her mouth as I push back down into her giving her just a bit of relief. "What do you want first?" I ask undoing the buttons of her pretty little dress.

Her chest rises and falls as I open the garment to reveal her perky breast, my thumbs trace a circle around the stiff pink peaks while I wait for an answer. "You'll have to talk, but if you want nothing-"

"No," She interrupts, resting her hands on top of mine, refusing to let them stop touching her, "I want your mouth," her voice lowers, a splash of pink spilling over her pale cheeks.

"Don't be shy, I'll do anything you tell me to," I lower back down to kiss down her body starting at her neck. Making my way down to her breast, being sure to treat each one with the same amount of attention: swirling my tongue around her hard nipple and lightly grazing them with my teeth. I kiss down her stomach through the fabric of her dress, instinctively she raises her hips giving me the access to raise her dress higher to reveal a black lace thong.

"Oh fuck," I moan at the sight, slowly pulling down the thin elastic to reveal her dripping cunt. "So fucking wet for me, you want my mouth baby?"

"P-please," She shakes, desperate for my touch.

"Then come ride it," I whisper, rolling us around so that her hips lay on my chest. She pulls the dress over her head, discarding it carelessly on the floor.

The sun seeping in through the large window made her skin look golden, viewing her from below you would think she were sculpted of marble. That was the perfect way to describe her: Art.

She lowered her heat onto my mouth, instant moans vibrating against her clit as I taste her sweet juices.

Wanda's moans pick up along with the pace of her thrust. I try to keep up, flicking my tongue faster and pressing it harder against her clit.

"Y/N I'm gonna- Ah," She released her euphoric juices into my mouth. Her screams echo through the room as I continue to work my tongue to clean up her mess.

Wanda presses her lips against mine, swirling her tongue around my mouth tasting herself.

"That felt so good," she pants.

"It's not over yet," I trace two fingers over her lips, "Suck," I demand. She opens her mouth obediently taking the fingers deeper into her throat. "You're such a good girl for me," I praise. Without telling her to do so, she gets on her back and opens her legs, just like I wanted her to.

"I want your fingers baby," Wanda begs, pulling my hand to touch her greedily. I touch lightly on her area, teasing her already sensitive clit.

"You're so beautiful, Wanda," I whisper in her ear, slowly slipping my fingers in her. She gasps, throwing her head back further into the pillow. I purposely move my fingers slowly just to see how desperate she gets.

"Faster," She begs, bucking her hips. I give in to her pleas slamming my fingers into her hole, feeling her wet walls clench over them, "Fuck don't stop," She screams, her pleasure building up.

"Soak my fingers in cum baby, fuck you're so wet for me," I moan, angling my thumb to press down on her clit. Her walls clench onto my fingers as her mouth falls open silently as she reaches her high. "I want to hear your pretty screams, cum for me,"

Her fingernails dig into my shoulder as she screams her release.

"You're doing so good, do you think you can cum for me one more time?" I take my fingers out, leaving her legs trembling. I teasingly pull off the loose fitting clothes, smiling at how her pupils widen when they reveal my naked body. Her eyes run up my body to meet mine, she nods eagerly and licks her lips.

"Your such a good girl," I open her legs to reveal her dripping core to me once again, her whines already starting with the slightest touch on her inner thigh. I straddle her positioning our pleasure points together and bring my hips down.

My body buckles with the feeling of her warmth on mine. Wandas raise her hips in perfect unison, her eyes fixated on my bouncing breast. I exaggerate my movements to give her more of a show.

"It's okay, you can touch," I slowen my hip movements to bring her hands up to cup them.

"Fuck you feel so good," She moans loudly. I roll my hips faster as the sound of our wetness mixing fills the room along with our loud moans.

"I'm goi- I'm so close," Wanda slithers her hand onto my waist, digging her fingers into my skin to keep me at a fast pace.

"Hold it a little longer baby. Be a good girl and wait until I tell you to cum,"

Her moans turn into screams as she tries to manage the growing knot in her stomach.

"Oh I know baby, you just feel so good." My hips thrust into her faster, her eyes roll into the back of her head, "Cum for me Wanda,"

Another wave of pleasure sound spilled out of her mouth. I collapse onto her heaving chest, kissing the valley of her breast and moving up to her swollen pink lips.

"We should've done this earlier," She laughs still trying to catch her breath.

I let her relax a little longer before running us a warm bath.

I sit behind her, dragging the soapy washcloth onto her skin.

"Do you think Brians going to be mad we did it in his bed?" Wanda asks giggling.

"Not if we don't tell him," I kiss the side of her neck.

"Don't think that just because I let you take control today that it'll be a regular thing,"

"I don't know, you were so obedient," I tease.

"Oh shut up, I could have you begging on your knees for me," She whispers closing the space between our lips.

"I'm sure you can," I laugh dryly. 

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