Ritz Carlton

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"ITALY!" Robert screamed over the phone, "What the hell are you doing there? You have interviews coming up, you were supposed to finish with your responsibilities in New York and come back to LA. Now your lawyers are calling me to find out where you are." He yells, I could already imagine how red his face was.

"If they want to know, they can check E! News or Instagram," I say, pushing my sunglasses back up from the tip of my nose. The paparazzi hiding behind the bushes weren't being as discreet as they thought they were. It was a flattering idea that a picture of me in a bikini would make them a couple thousand dollars.

"When are you getting back?"

"I don't know, I like it very much here," I say, smiling at the blonde who was very obviously checking me out.

"You're the reason I have high blood pressure," He stresses, I could hear his pills rattling as he struggled to get one out.

"I'll check out today and be back in LA before your heart attack," I laugh.

"Well hurry back, your lawyers are pressing me right now. They even flew out here to scorn me in person."

"Wait what? She- they flew out? Miss Romanoff flew out?" I say, gathering my things quickly, forgetting about the blonde and the paparazzi.

"She has an entourage of much more intimidating people so please hurry up."

"I'm leaving now," I run back inside the hotel.

I called for an emergency private jet, it cost a fortune to do so on such short notice but luckily I had a fortune to spend.

I left the hotel room in such a rush that I was not even completely sure that I had cleaned up the white lines of the bedside table. Luckily, Italian housekeepers are much better secret keepers than back in the States.

I had made it back to LA at 3 AM and as soon as I landed, I called Robert again.

"Hello?" He said drowsily.

"Where is she staying?" I ask quickly.

"What time is it?" He groans.

"Tell me now," I was impatient to see her, to apologize.

"I can find out for you... in the morning,"

"fucking shit," I mutter as I hang up the phone. My finger hovered over the name for a second as I contemplated the decision. It was 6 am their time and if I was right, they were probably already on their Peloton.

"I thought I'd never hear from you," She said, her workout playing quietly in the background.

"I need a favor," I say shyly.

"It's a bit too early for a favor, but I'll make an exception for you."

"Romanoff is in LA due to a lack of communication on my part, I want to apologize personally. Do you know where she's staying?" I ask, trying to sound as professional as possible.

"Oh, you mean an actual favor, not.." She laughs. I thought I heard a bit of sexual insinuation in her tone.

"Do you know?"

"I'll make a call right now and send it to you when I find out."

"Thank you," I sigh.

"Anything for my best client."

I found it strange how she could be so professionally unprofessional.

It didn't take long to get the text. "Ritz Carlton LA, Executive suite room on the 44th floor."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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