New Perfume

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A/N: I got a new book up. if you want to check it out, there are a few content warnings. The last chapters of The President's Daughter are up and if you read anything in your life I suggest The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo but also don't do that to yourself, I sobbed. 

Brian had refused to pick Rose up with me again as a way to push me to talk to Wanda.

I notice her coming out of the door and we lock eyes for a moment but I look away, unsure of how to act.

The group of parents was slowly dwindling as they received their kids but Wanda never came out with Rose. Usually, she would be the first one out. I spent most of the time having an internal argument about whether or not to go up to her and ask.

At this point, all the parents had gotten their kids, and only a couple of groups remained to have conversations as the kids ran around.

"Y/N!" Rose got loose from Wanda's hand and ran up to me. I picked her up and turned around instantly, having grown irritable from the long wait.

I feel a hand gently pull me back by my shirt and turn towards her. "Sorry, is there anything you needed Miss Maximoff?" I say dryly.

"I need to talk to you," She says, still holding on to the hem of my shirt.

"Now isn't a good time, maybe if you would've brought her out earlier," I say, not hiding the fact that I was upset.

"I'm sorry," she says softly, "I was just worried that in some way I would hold you back. I'm proud of you, I'm so happy that you got this opportunity but I don't want to lose you," her voice cracks, her eyes threatening to spill out tears. "I love you," she says lowly.

I smile, finally understanding her outburst. "We really have to work on your communication skills," I joke, bringing my hand up to wipe away her tear with my thumb and then cup her cheek, "I love you too."

She brings her eyebrows down and poke out her bottom lip a little bit, it was her nonverbal way of asking for a kiss.

Rose's head was resting on my shoulder looking away from us, I lean in just a little bit making sure not to drop her head and Wanda's lips meet me there.

I missed her kisses so much, the taste of strawberry that I sometimes woke up dreaming about.

"NOOOOO," Rose shrieks out of nowhere pushing my head back and slapping her tiny hand over my lips. Wanda giggles uncontrollably at the little girl's outburst.

"Rosey, I just want to kiss your teacher," I say gently, moving her hand away.

"No," she says, taking my face in both her hands and pressed her forehead on my lips.

"Awe someone a bit jealous," Wanda teases her.

"My Y/N," Rose says tightly wrapping her arms around my neck and laying her head back down on my shoulders.

"No my Y/N," Wanda teases, leaning in for another kiss. Rose felt me shift forward and slowly slid her hand back on my lips.

"I guess I'll just see you at home," I say, my words mumbled.

Wanda's eyes light up and her smile gets wide as she nods her head. "Yeah," she says and turns back to walk into the building.

I try to set Rose down so I could get her car seat ready but she wouldn't let me, screaming and kicking her way back in my arms. It was strange for her, she never had many outbursts like this.

I finally managed to get her in the car but she had cried the entire way home. I tried to calm her by handing back her tablet or playing music but nothing worked.

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