The Twins

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"Sorry I'm going to fangirl but I really love your music, I love your movies. I've followed you since your first project and Oh my God, you are Y/N Star!" The interviewer freaks out.

"Thank you," I laugh.

"I hear you're filming for a new movie."

"I am yes," oh no, here come the questions about the director.

"It's an LGBTQ Romance movie, according to our sources," She inquires. I hum and nod to confirm. "Surely it isn't all acting though, right?" She smirks mischievously.

"So you've heard the rumors," I laugh.

"Yes and seen the pictures of you guys, you seem to be very close," She jokes. I just shrug and wink at the camera playfully. The pictures told a story themselves we were holding hands and kissing, there was no other way to explain that. "You won't tell us more than that will you?" the interviewer frowns.

"No, just that I'm happy," I blush and it wasn't a lie. Celia had been much more than I expected, we loved the same kind of music and enjoyed the same movies, liked the same foods, and despised snails.

"Your fans noticed that you wore a 'W' initial necklace for a while and then suddenly stopped almost 5 years ago, you claimed though that you were single at the time. Could you tell us more about the mysterious necklace?"

"It was time to move on," I simply say, keeping my composure. The interview went on with the same boring questions every other interviewer asks.


"5 years! It's been 5 years since I stopped wearing that stupid necklace and I still get questions about it. Not about how I feel about winning my first Emmy, or my second grammy, or how I'm nominated for a fucking Oscar. No! All they care about is that fucking necklace," I complain to Brian and his husband David, pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

"Way to brag," Brian mumbles, pouring a shot into a small glass and sliding it over to me. Without hesitation I down it, too frustrated to care about it burning down my throat.

"You're needed on set," a crew member said. The movie had switched locations to New York and I was excited to finally spend some time with my grandpa.

It was a fit of constant jealousy I had of Brian as he posted pictures of them playing golf or having a simple dinner while I was working miles away.

The only problem was that it meant going back home and possibly seeing the faces of people I hadn't been able to forget.

"Let's get you some food and a coffee," Celia says as the director yells cut. She wasn't supposed to be on set today but she joined me anyway.

"Why don't we go back to the hotel and take a nap?" I peck a kiss on her cheek and lay my head on her shoulder.

"You need to eat baby, come on," she laughs, pulling me towards craft services for a snack.

"You don't understand. I need him gone, she will spiral if she even catches a glimpse of-"

"What are we talking about?" I ask, interrupting the conversation between Brian and Wren.

"Oh, nothing," Brian says, almost believably too.

"I'll handle it," Wren reassured him with a pat on the shoulder. He nodded and she walked away.

"What was that about?" I ask, my focus remained on the coffee Celia was pouring and he pretended not to hear me but I decided not to push. It might've been something private between them.

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