The Exorcist

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"Stay out of my sewing room, and please for the love of god wash my sheets," Brian pleads. Saturdays were usually his day off but Halloween was coming up and there was much to plan.

"Rude, I've only slept in them for 2 days!"

"That's not what I mean and you know it," he grabs one last piece of bacon and holds it between his teeth as he puts his sweater on, "I got noise complaints yesterday and Jolene lost her voice, I don't think that's a coincidence,"

"We were watching a scary movie," I lie very badly, not being able to hold in my laugh.

"Really? Tell me, what scary movie has the line 'FUCK, FUCK ME HARDER Y/N," He moans mockingly.

"The Exorcist," I responded as a joke. He grabs the box full of binders and pulls open the door.

"Thanks for breakfast and don't forget about the sheets," he says before closing the door.

"Love you," I scream out, through the door and I heard him return it from halfway down the hall.

Wanda was still asleep, all three of us had tried to watch an old movie to feel cultured but we ended up drifting off one by one. Brian stayed asleep but Wanda and I spent our night trying to quietly please each other, trying not to make a sound other than silent moans and whines.

I was used to waking up early and even on weekends, no matter how much I tried, I could not sleep in. I took the time I had to myself to shower, using the bar of sandalwood and jasmine soap Brian left for me. I stayed in much longer, taking in the intoxicating aroma of it.

I lotion my body up before placing a big fluffy white robe over to cover myself, being too lazy to search in Brian's closet for something.

Wanda smiled sleepily at me as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Good Morning," I lean over her and plant a kiss on her forehead, "or should I say afternoon, I made breakfast. Do you want it in bed?"

She nods, the only thing she could manage to do having woken up minutes ago. I kiss her again, this time tasting her strawberry lips.

I bring her the plate of breakfast, but she had fallen asleep again.

"Wands, you have to eat or drink something," I say softly to wake her up. She opens her eyes slowly giving me a mischievous look, she toys with the perfectly tied bow on my robe and tugs it to reveal my freshly washed body.

I teasingly open the robe further, "after you eat," I add, closing it again and secure it in another bow. I grab a bit of the food on the fork and bring it up to her mouth.

"Good girl," I smile when she opens it.

A ring at the door interrupts us.

"Must be the maintenance worker, Brian said something about the heater," I get up and open it, thinking they've probably seen much worse than a woman in a robe.

"How did you-? How-" I stutter, when I see the woman at the door.

"I went to your apartment but your roommate said you hadn't been there and that you were probably rehearsing for the Halloween show at the Slash, so I went. I saw Brian and he told me you were staying with him and gave me the address," She explains.

"Seems like a whole lot of trouble to find me," I say bitterly, still kind of holding a grudge from her rudeness.

"May I?" She asks, I open the door further allowing her to come inside. We sit on the couches opposite each other. "Rose said a 'bully' made you cry and that an 'old man' protected you,"

"I shouldn't have taken her, I'm sorry that she got hurt," I say dryly.

"That's not what I asked,"

"Actually you didn't ask anything," I retort. She takes a deep breath in and crosses her legs taking a more relaxed sitting position.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly.

"Are you?" I challenge, "You seemed to be pretty upset last I saw you."

"Just work," She smiles lazily, it was an obvious lie. "I shouldn't have taken it out on you." Her eyes scan over the robe, which I had honestly forgotten I was wearing.

"Why don't you go put some clothes on and we can continue," she smirks.

"Why is it distracting? You've been staring at it since you got here. Is your husband not pleasing you enough Miss Romanoff?" I say without thinking.

"Plenty more than I'd say you're getting," she argues. I smile knowing that it wasn't true.

"Y/N, baby who was at the door?" Wanda says from out of our sight, her voice hoarse from the strain she put on it yesterday rendering it unrecognizable. Miss Romanoff rolls her eyes at the woman's timing.

"Just Miss Romanoff, she went through all the trouble of finding me here,"

'Just Miss Romanoff?' She mouths, playfully offended.

"Is your voice okay honey? I could make you some tea," I offer Wanda.

"Yeah, please. I'll be in the bedroom," Wanda responds calmly, probably knowing that her voice wasn't what Miss Romanoff knew it to be.

"What was that about what I'm getting?" I say proudly once I heard the bedroom door closed.

"Whore," Miss Romanoff says playfully from under her breath. I lean in a bit and she mirrors my movement.

"I'm not the one cheating on my husband,"

She rises out of her seat and takes a couple of steps towards me. I retreat back into the cushion, feeling intimidated by her looking down at me.

"You won't ever stop mentioning that would you," she says lowly, Miss Romanoff leans over me resting her hands on the backrest, One on each side of my shoulder. Her face was close, forcing me to lay my head back.

"I would've loved to plunge my strap deep in your tight pussy to make you cum," she whispers in my ear, "and I still can, even with your little girlfriend in the other room," she brings her knees up to straddle me. Her hands pull on the bow on my robe, thankfully it doesn't fall open and expose too much. "But until that happens I haven't cheated... with you at least," she laughs.

"And I'm the whore?" I mumble, as she slowly stands up again.

"That's no way to talk to your boss now is it," she said returning to a normal volume. "You should hurry up with that tea, I'm sure she's waited long enough for something good," she whispers the end. I roll my eyes at her playful comment, finally finishing tying the robe together again.

"I'll see you Monday afternoon, I'll take her to school in the morning," She switches back to her bossy self and sees herself out.

"Fuck she is so hot," Wanda exits the bedroom once again when she hears the door close. "What was she here for?" She asks putting her plates in the sink.

"I think she tried to apologize but her ego didn't let her," I ready the things to make her tea. She laughs at my comment but we spend no more time talking about her.


"My brothers coming to visit next week," She says sipping her tea, her voice already better.

"Really? that's fun," I say half listening, memories of last night clouding my mind as I admire her beauty.

"I want you to meet him, he's pretty excited to see you,"

"You talk about me?" I blush.

"All the time," She smiles. "You are my favorite girl,"

I lean in to kiss her. "one more," I say when she backs out. She pecks my lips again, "one more," She gives into my pleads and gives me a much longer kiss.

"Let's go back to bed," She whispers, kissing down my neck.

"Mmm, I like that idea," I say, standing up to pick her up and take her back to bed. 

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