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A/N: vote and comment and I'll.. give you a kiss, I don't know.  Also let me know what you want to see in this story

It was one of those rare days that I had a day off. Mister Rogers and Miss Romanoff took the day off of work to take Rose to a Doctors appointment.

"You really didn't have to take me out to lunch," I say to Brian over the menu. We had become very close quickly, forming some kind of unbreakable bond that night.

"That job of yours is consuming you, I felt like I haven't seen you in a while," he places his sunglasses on the top of his head.

"Ugh I don't want to talk about work," I groan.

"Fine, fine, we can talk about Jolene," he wiggled his eyebrows accusingly.

"What about her?" I smile wide at the mention of her.

"I want to know everything, are you still seeing her?"

"Brian, I see you every week and every week you ask the same question and every week my answer is the same," I say as he calls the waiter over.

"I'm sorry, but you know gays. They move fast and break up even faster," he gestures to me to order first. Then he goes.

"Well it's not like that with us, we haven't even had sex yet," I say passing the menus back. Brian gasps loudly.

"What? it's been a while since I met her, and you still haven't... you know. I don't because I'm not a lesbian but," he puts two fingers up and pumps them in the air. I quickly grab his hand for him to stop.

"Don't do that here Brian," I laugh looking around at the elderly couples that join us in the Tuesday lunch rush. "Where'd you get that?" I ask turning my attention to the 'i <3 MILFs' zip-up he wore.

"Like it? It was left at the club lost and found, so I just took it," he shrugs, eying my forest green zip up, "want to switch?" He suggest I give in kind of having wanted the sweater since I noticed it.

We finish our lunch and decide to take a peaceful walk near the waterfront.

Brian slung his hand around my shoulders as we stopped to watch the ducks fight over the food that a couple was feeding them.

"This is nice," I mention allowing my head to fall on his shoulder.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," I hear a little girl run to me.

"Every fucking time," I groan, changing my face as I turn around.

"Oh my god, what is that?" Brian jumps back at the sight of the child.

"Brian this is Rose, Rose this is my friend Brian," I introduce them while accepting her request to pick her up. "What are you doing here? I thought you went to the doctors," I ask searching for her parents who trail behind her holding hands.

She explains the shots she got and how her dad promised to get her ice cream afterward.

"Steve Rogers," He extends his hand to greet Brian.

"Brian Foster," he says in a confusingly deeper tone. Brian winks indicating me just to play along, slinging his arm back over my shoulder. Miss Romanoff looks him up and down, seeming kind of annoyed by his presence.

"So what are you two doing here?" Mister Rogers asks, trying to make conversation.

"Just wanted to take my girl out," Brian responds again in his alpha male voice, his black chinos and basic white t-shirt under the green sweater really selling the straight guy act. My body physically cringes at his words, making him break out of character momentarily and chuckle.

"Oh, this is your boyfriend?" Miss Romanoff asks, looking back over at me.

"No, no, we're just catching up. She's dating a great girl, Jolene," He answers for me.

"Jolene?" Miss Romanoff asks again.

"Yeah, I met her at the Slash country night," I tried to elbow him to stop talking but he didn't, "We call her Jolene because the song describes her perfectly you know, with flaming locks of auburn hair, with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green," he sings making me want to throw myself into the water with the ducks.

"I got one of those," Mister Rogers laughs wrapping his arm around her waist. She welcomed his touch by stepping closer to him resting one hand on his chest.

"Will we meet this girlfriend?" She spits out the word but her face still wore a smile.

"Actually we broke up," I set the little girl down on the ground again. she pokes her fingers on the print of my sweater.

"WHAT? I thought you were seeing her tonight!" Brian exclaims dramatically, I shoot him a look, instant regret showing on his face when he realizes his mistake. We have a quick conversation using facial expressions only where he asked to know everything.

"What does that say?" Rose asks pointing to my sweater, I panic to cover it up, forgetting I switched sweaters with Brian who was having a fucking field day laughing at my inconvenience.

I look up at Miss Romanoff, who is already looking back at me with a huge smirk. She licks her lips, waiting for me to give the child a response.

"I- love-mmm---iiii," Rose tries to sound it out. Maybe I underestimated the effect of the homework Wanda was giving them.

"Milk," I finish it for her, getting a few laughs from Mister Rogers and Miss Romanoff.

"From who?" Brian snickers in my ear.

"Seems like we have very similar taste," Mister Rogers says through a laugh.

"You have no idea," Miss Romanoff winks at me. 

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