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"You know... this is actually a bit underwhelming," Brian says looking up at the castle that we had been looking forward to so much.

"A bit, yeah," I say, taking a big bite out of the enormous cotton Candy.

We might've gone a bit overboard with the apparel, buying mouse ears and any clothes we thought were semi-not atrocious. We looked ridiculous, to say the least, and even more so when we decided to go to universal in full Disney gear.

Although it was hot and we barely got on any rides because of the lines, Brian and I still laughed about it at the end of the day. It was as if we had gone back to being kids and lived out what we so much desired back then.

We were sharing a suite, each of us had our own room but I wasn't brave enough to do the things Natasha wanted me to. What if Brian heard? What if he walked in? Not that I had any time to contemplate it anyway, I barely had any time to think of her. My thoughts were corrupted with anxiety and self-doubt as the audition crept closer, both painfully slow and with wicked speed. I spent nights tossing and turning, trying to combat those feelings, usually, I did good consoling myself but it was the night before and the feelings were ten times as worse.

"Brian?" I say in a whisper as I open the door to the darkroom.

"Hmm," he groans sleepily, "Are you okay?" he asks through a yawn, slightly sitting up still a little doozy from the sleep I woke him from.

"I can't sleep," I walk in further and sit at the foot of the bed.


I shake my head.

"Come here," he says, opening the covers up for me to climb into, "You're going to be great, they'll love you. You're talented, you're beautiful, you're going to blow them away."

"Oh stop flirting with me, I have a girlfriend," I joke to stop the tears from falling, he truly believed in me and I loved him for it. "I promise I'll take you with me, I won't leave you behind."

"If you want me there I'll be by your side, always," He promises. My tears were already falling.

"Great now, I'll wake up with puffy eyes," I joke, wiping them away.

"I've got an eye cream for that," he reassures with a laugh. We fall into a comfortable silence, each of us slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.


"How'd it go?" Wanda asks excitedly over the phone.

"I think it went well. They seemed impressed, they said they liked my singing and they didn't stop me while I was acting," I explain, my hands still shaking from the adrenaline.

"I'm proud of you baby, did they say when they would have a decision?"

"They said they'll call if I get it."

"They'll be stupid not to choose you, now get home so we can celebrate," She says in a smooth tone.

"Ew," Brian shifts uncomfortably in the driver's seat.

"She meant at Cheesecake Factory," I clarify. There was about a week of our relationship that we would go to cheesecake every night until we realized just how unhealthy it was. After that, we vowed to only go for celebrations.

"Whats that some kind of code for something? Actually... don't tell me," he neverminds himself.

"No Brian, the restaurant that sells cheesecake," Wanda laughs.

"I have to go but I miss you," I say, getting out of the car and hanging up.

Not soon after the phone rings again.

"Wanda, baby you're getting a bit Impatient, I'll be home soon and we can do whatever you want," I say in a tone that insinuates something sexual, mostly joking just to get a reaction from Brian.

"You guys are disgusting," Brian says walking ahead and into the hotel.

"I am impatient," a voice says but it wasn't Wanda, "and you better have a good reason for not doing what you said you would," she says in a voice that would make you scared to see her.

"Natasha I-"

"Save the excuses sweetheart, I want what I asked for within the hour or I'll have to punish you when you get back."

The line goes dead, leaving me with a weird sense of fear and pleasure.

"You look flushed," Brian said once I catch up to him again, I open my mouth to start defending myself, "I don't want to know what Wanda will do to you when we get back," he rolls his eyes and steps into the elevator, holding it open for me to join him.

I pace around the room debating whether to give in to her request, I can't do that to Wanda, I can't cheat on her. And what did Natasha mean by punishment?

Whatever it was couldn't be that bad. I throw the phone on the bed and go back out to join Brian feeling guilt-free. 

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