Attachment 1

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"What do you even do as a Pre-K teacher?" I ask Wanda on Facetime, "Roses homework is literally just shapes and counting," I tease.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll start teaching trigonometry when we get back," She remarks sarcastically. "What do you even do as a babysitter? We've been on the phone for 2 hours and you haven't moved from that spot," she bites back.

"She's asleep," I defend. She sighs a laugh and turns her attention back to her bright TV. I stare at her in awe of her beauty, her eyes wide as she watches the scenes of the movie, occasionally opening her mouth to eat popcorn. I desperately wanted to taste her lips again.

"What?" She giggles when she notices my goofy smile.

"You're just so pretty," I say while truly admiring her every move, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear, and how even in the dim light of the screen, I could still see the red peeking from her cheeks. "What are you wearing?" I boldly add on. Her eyes darken and her smile widens.

"Wouldn't you like to know," She says softly, sending shivers up my spine.

"I would like to know... and see," I wink. The jingling keys at the door alert me, "Gotta go Wands, I'll call you back when I get home," I abruptly end the call but could hear the beginning of her whine before the line went dead.

"Who were you talking to?" Miss Romanoff asks with a confused smile on her face.

"Nobody," I try to say naturally. Miss Romanoff hums, seeming convinced enough by my answer. "How was your night?" I ask only just noticing the formal black dress that draped around her curves perfectly.

"I hate galas, but the company insists on doing them every month and I have no other choice but to go," She sighs with relief as she takes off the strappy black heels. She motions me to follow her, she goes up the stairs quietly and into her bedroom closet.

I had seen it before but only briefly when I chased Rose around the house after unsuccessfully putting her to bed. I didn't get a chance to take in just how big it was and just how many clothes, shoes, and bags were in there.

"Do you mind?" She asks kindly, moving all of her hair to one side to reveal the zipper of her dress. I lightly tug it down being careful not to catch her skin, revealing her bareback.

"There you go," I smile awkwardly at her. To my surprise, she begins undressing, sliding the black dress off her shoulders revealing a pair of matching red undergarments. I turn around trying to act natural only to be greeted by the same image of her in the mirror, she catches my eyes and smiles as she calmly searches for nightwear. I quickly turn my attention down to my phone.

Wanda: Attachment 1

"Oh fuck," I exclaim louder than I wanted to, juggling the phone between my hands struggling to keep a grip on it from the surprise of the picture. She wore a thin gray robe with seemingly nothing underneath as her nipples were clearly visible through the fabric.

"Is everything okay?" Miss Romanoff asks, I turn back around to find her now dressed in a matching set of revealing Pajamas. Great, now I'm flustered with the image of two beautiful women in my head. She had taken off her bra and I tried to divert my eyes from her chest finding that the wood carvings in the windowsill were more interesting than ever.

"Yeah um... great, I think I better get going now,"

"Wait," she stops me, "I haven't paid you yet,"

"Right," I mutter.

"I must've left my wallet downstairs," She says rummaging through one of her many purses. Miss Romanoff leads the way, I couldn't help but look down at her butt: perfectly round and bounced with every step she took. I blinked my eyes several times fast trying to shake the lustful thoughts of her. "I've been thinking about you lately," her confession makes me blush.

"What about me?" I ask shyly.

"How do you sneak into clubs and order drinks?" She laughs.

"I guess performing connects me with the right people, one of them being a DMV worker," I say pulling out the Fake/Real ID.

"Isn't that illegal?" She questions grabbing the ID from my hand and examining it front to back.

"That's why he's in jail, or at least I think he is. I haven't seen him in a while but I've heard rumors," I grin. She passes the card back to me looking straight into my eyes with a mysterious smile.

"Should I be worried about your influence on my daughter?" Her voice indicates that it was a joke but I panic to explain myself either way. "Y/N," she stops my nervous ramble, "don't worry, you're doing a great job with her, she loves you," She rubs my lower back to calm me down.

I look up into her dark green eyes, her smile making me tighten my thighs together.

"Here," Miss Romanoff opens my palm and places a larger amount of money than I expected, which she usually did. Even though I appreciated it the first few times it was starting to get annoying.

"I really can't accept this much money from you," I say placing the cash on the kitchen island. She sighs and takes a step closer to me.

"Why not?" she asks, her eyes scanning my face.

"It's too much for what I've done for tonight," My voice shakes as I realize just how close she is to me, only inches away from my face. She picks up the money from the table with one hand, the other grips onto my waist and brings me even closer.

"You will take it," Miss Romanoff demands. My breath hitches in the back of my throat as her hands slowly slide the money into my back pocket and lingers there for a couple of seconds before she slides it back out.

"Yes, Miss Romanoff,"

"Good girl," she smirks, still inappropriately close to me but I wasn't complaining. She finally steps away, opening the fridge for a bottle of water, "Goodnight sweetheart, try to get some sleep." Her attractive raspy voice makes goosebumps appear on my skin.

A/N: Go back and vote for me

A/N: Go back and vote for me

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